PBR Scorecards and Metrics
Distributed Energy Resource (DER) Asset Effectiveness
This page contains reported metrics related to DER asset effectiveness, which are further described below:
- DER Grid Services Capability Reported Metric
- DER Grid Services Enrollment Reported Metric
- DER Grid Services Utilization Reported Metric
- DER Curtailment Reported Metric
Grid services are defined grid supportive functions similar to functions provided by conventional powerplants that help to maintain the reliability of the electric grid. Customers may help to provide these grid supportive functions, such as energy and capacity services, through the use of their customer sited DERs. Participating customers may be eligible, pursuant to Commission-approved program rules, to receive bill credit incentives corresponding to the services provided to the grid. All customers may benefit as the company relies less on fossil fuels to operate the grid.
DER Grid Services Capability Reported Metric
The DER Grid Services Capability metric reports the percentage and total MW of DER systems capable of providing grid services. This metric focuses on the potential amount of grid services that could be served by DER. Any customer participating in a DER program that includes energy storage would be counted towards this capability metric.1,2 To calculate this percentage, the amount of energy storage (in MW) is the numerator, and the denominator is the entire population of DER systems (in MW) of all existing and new DER programs.
1 Information on the company’s current private rooftop solar programs may be found at: https://www.hawaiianelectric.com/products-and-services/smart-renewable-energy-programs. This reported metric serves as an initial metric pending further refinement and methods to measure grid services provided by resources other than energy storage (e.g., resources such as water heaters and air conditioners).
2 For purposes of calculating the DER Grid Service Capability metrics, the company assumes that 30% of the battery capacity is available to deliver grid services.
Metric: Percentage and total MW of DER systems capable of providing grid services
Reporting Frequency: Biannual*
* The annual charts below will be updated bi-annually (i.e., through the end of June and December of each year).
Hawaiian Electric


Maui County

Hawaii Island

DER Grid Services Enrollment Reported Metric
The DER Grid Services Enrollment metric reports the percentage and total MW of capable DER systems enrolled in (1) contracted grid services through aggregators that have approved Grid Service Purchase Agreements (GSPAs), and (2) successor DER programs developed in Docket No. 2019-0323 that include grid services as a requirement.1,2 As of 2020, all grid service enrollment is from contracted grid services through approved GSPAs.3 GSPA assets include both DER systems and Grid Interactive Water heaters.
1 The reported metrics serve as initial metrics pending further refinement of the definition of DER systems capable of providing grid services.
2 Successor DER programs are currently under development in Docket No. 2019-0323.
3 The currently approved aggregators are Open Access Technology, Inc. (OATI) and Swell Energy, Inc. (Swell).
Metric: Percentage and total MW of capable DER systems enrolled in grid services programs
Reporting Frequency: Biannual*
* The annual charts below will be updated biannually (i.e., through the end of June and December of each year).
Hawaiian Electric


Maui County

Hawaii Island

DER Grid Services Utilization Reported Metric
The DER Grid Services Utilization metric reports on the utilization of DER systems enrolled in grid service programs, in percent and total MW, based on a performance factor calculation, which is calculated every month against the number of events performed, multiplied by the total MW of enrolled DER systems.1
1 The performance factor calculation is based on the methodology used for GSPAs. The performance factor as defined in the GSPAs is the percentage of the Delivered Capability compared to the Forecasted Capability (referred to as the “Operational Forecast”). The Delivered Capability represents the grid service delivered to the company when dispatched. The Operational Forecast is provided to the company in advance and represents the grid service committed to be delivered to the company. The performance factor is calculated on a per grid service per event basis. As of 2020, the aggregators receive a performance factor of 100% per GSPA terms and conditions for the first few months.
Metric: Percentage and total MW of DER systems enrolled in grid services programs that are being utilized to provide grid services
Reporting Frequency: Biannual*
* The annual charts below will be updated biannually (i.e., through the end of June and December of each year).
Hawaiian Electric


Maui County

Hawaii Island

DER Curtailment Reported Metric
The DER Curtailment metric reports on the total curtailment in MW and MWh of DER systems with advanced meters. This metric also reports on curtailment triggered as part of any tariff requirement, such as included in the Customer Grid Supply Plus (CGS Plus) program, as well as reports on any successor DER program with similar curtailment reporting requirements. DERs on non-exporting tariffs are not considered curtailment.
The company may have to rely on curtailment when there is overgeneration of energy to balance supply with demand. However, the company prioritizes all other means such as decreasing power plant generation and curtailing utility-scale generation before resorting to curtailing DERs, and the curtailment of DERs are last in line in terms of reducing or restricting resources.
To date, the company has not curtailed DERs with advanced meters nor curtailed DERs as part of any tariff requirement.
Metric: Total MW and MWh of curtailment from DERs, including partial curtailment or power reductions
Reporting Frequency: Biannual*
* The annual charts below will be updated biannually (i.e., through the end of June and December of each year).
Hawaiian Electric


Maui County

Hawaii Island

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