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Email us with any questions regarding the Company’s open RFPs. Also email us if you would like to be added to the Company’s email distribution for information disseminated about its RFPs.
Competitive Bidding for System Resources
Information on active Hawaiian Electric Requests for Proposals (RFPs) can be found using the drop down menus below:
Closed RFP information can be viewed in the Archived RFP Information section.
Our Interconnection Process
Hawaii is integrating unprecedented amounts of wind, solar and other renewable generation into the electrical grid. Information on the interconnection processes for the Stage 3 RFP and the IGP RFP's for Oahu, Hawaii Island and Maui County can be found at the below links.
Stage 3 RFP Interconnection Process
News Releases
- February 29, 2024: Hawaiian Electric seeks public comment regarding next round of renewable energy procurements
- February 2, 2024: Hawaiian Electric announces Firm project selected in the Stage 3 RFPs for Maui Island
- December 8, 2023: Hawaiian Electric announces the projects selected in the Stage 3 RFPs for Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii Island
Updated Non-Wires Alternative Expression of Interest - Waikoloa
December 23, 2024
Through the Non-Wires Alternative (“NWA”) EOI, Hawaiian Electric is seeking information to determine whether there are cost competitive NWAs to the traditional wires solution on the island of Hawaii, that will provide sufficient load reduction beginning in 2032 to address overloads of existing infrastructure due to the significant load growth in the Waikoloa area on Hawaii Island in the coming years. Developers or aggregators who are capable of developing utility-scale renewable projects or aggregating DER/EE in the Waikoloa area of Hawaii are encouraged to submit comprehensive responses to this request. General performance requirements are provided in the EOI. This is an update to the EOI issued in April 2024 for the Waikoloa area. Since then, the capacity grid need has been revised to reflect new information on service requests in the Waikoloa area.
Interested parties are requested to complete the Property Questionnaire (see Appendix A) and submit the information to Hawaiian Electric by February 7, 2025.
Email (Preferred Method): With pdf file attachment(s) and subject heading “Waikoloa NWA EOI Response” to
U.S. Mail*:
Director, T&D and Interconnection Planning (mail code WA4-BB)
T&D and Interconnection Planning
Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 2750
Honolulu, Hawaii 96840-0001
If additional information or clarification regarding the EOI or the EOI process outlined in this document is required, questions may be submitted to
Request for Information for Long-Term Renewable Energy Development
December 20, 2024
Hawaiian Electric is issuing this Request for Information for Long-Term Renewable Energy Development (“Long-Term RFI”) to gather information on potential projects that may be bid into the upcoming Long-Term Request for Proposals (“Long-Term RFPs”). These Long-Term RFPs will be seeking proposals for projects that are estimated to take eight (8) to twelve (12) years to develop due to project technology and/or long-lead infrastructure implementation. The information received via this Long-Term RFI may assist the Companies with establishing the scope and requirements for the Long-Term RFPs including but not limited to identifying and selecting Renewable Energy Zones (“REZ”). As such, developers intending to participate in these Long-Term RFPs are highly encouraged to respond to this Long-Term RFI, as responses may assist with the development of the Long-Term RFPs.
Interested parties are requested to complete the Questionnaire and email the response to Hawaiian Electric (see email address below) by March 20, 2025. Please use the subject heading “RFI for LT Renewable Energy Development - [Developer Name]” in your email.
Please email the completed Long-Term RFI Questionnaire, as well as any questions regarding the Long-Term RFI to: