PBR Scorecards and Metrics



This page contains reported metrics related to resilience, which are further described below:

  • Critical Load Reported Metric
  • National Incident Management System (NIMS) Certification Reported Metric
  • Emergency Response Training Reported Metric

Critical Load Reported Metric

The Critical Load Reported Metric was identified as a starting point to begin tracking the resilience of the company’s system and focuses on the system’s resilience in preserving service to critical loads.1 Although the metric will include catastrophic and non-catastrophic outage events, it may provide useful information to assess the level of readiness for a catastrophic event and help the company identify areas that are more vulnerable and warrant additional grid improvements.

This metric is defined as the aggregated total sum of hours that critical loads are without power from Hawaiian Electric in a year.

Data for this metric is currently not available. In the past year, the company has explored a mechanism to determine outage durations for AMI meter locations for critical loads; however that mechanism has not yet been fully vetted to account for missing information (e.g., outages concurrent with telecommunications faults are not recorded) or to produce meaningful calculations (e.g., critical loads may have multiple meters associated with them and how to report outage durations in such instances is subject to determination).

Further, full deployment of AMI meters across the company’s service territories is not expected to be complete until Q3 2024. As such, there are critical loads for which AMI data is not currently available.

Metric: Total amount of time that critical loads are without power in a year

Reporting Frequency: Annual

1 As defined based on the company’s current practices, which are aligned with the IGP Resilience Working Group framework: https://www.hawaiianelectric.com/documents/clean_energy_hawaii/integrated_grid_planning/stakeholder_engagement
/working_groups/resilience/20200429_rwg_report.pdf, see page 40

NIMS Certification Reported Metric

The electric utility industry is moving toward adoption of NIMS as the standard for Emergency Response to better align with FEMA/Federal Response. Employee certification of NIMS training is a key indicator of resilience and the ability to restore electric service following an emergency. NIMs training is also an one-time training and certification process which does not require employees to be recertified on an annual basis. All employees are required to complete NIMS ICS 100 certification. Supervisors and above are required to complete NIMS ICS 200 certification. Unit leaders are required to complete a utility specific ICS 300 course based on the NIMS ICS certification.

Note: The company adopted the NIMS framework in 2014.

Metric: Total number and percent of National Incident Management System Incident Command System 100, 200, and 300 certification trainings annually.

Reporting Frequency: Annual

NIMS Certification Hawaiian Electric Companies

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Emergency Response Training Reported Metric

Hawaiian Electric employees play a critical role in emergency response. Because emergency response is not a normal role for all employees, annual training for Incident Command system roles and an exercise are important to maintain proficiency.

Prior to 2020, the company had not tracked the number of employees who attend annual training exercises. Since 2013, the company has conducted an annual training exercise for approximately 300 employees. In cases where the company activated the Incident Management Team to manage an event (i.e., hurricane, tsunami, lava, ice storm, pandemic), employee participation is considered a comparable substitute for an annual training exercise. Shown below is the estimated number of employees who have participated in the company’s annual training events and incident activations prior to 2020, and the reporting of actual number of employees starting from 2020.

Metric: Total number and percent of employees that have attended emergency response training, annually

Reporting Frequency: Annual

Emergency Response Training Hawaiian Electric Companies

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