PBR Scorecards and Metrics
Customer Engagement
This page contains scorecards and reported metrics related to customer engagement, which are further described below:
- Program Participation Scorecard
- Green Button Connect My Data Scorecard
- Green Button Download My Data Scorecard
- Time-of-Use (TOU) Participation Scorecard
- Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Opt-Out Reported Metric
Program Participation Scorecard
The Program Participation scorecard reports the number and percent of customers that are enrolled in the Hawaiian Electric’s Community-Based Renewable Energy (CBRE), Distributed Energy Resource (DER), and Demand Response (DR) programs, compared to a target of 30% of the total number of customers.1
CBRE program participants include customers who have subscribed with a Subscriber Organization to receive bill credits in Phase 1 or Phase 2 of the program,2 and will include customers who participate in future phases of the program. Information on the company’s CBRE programs may be found on the Company’s website at Shared Solar page.
DER participants include customers enrolled in DER programs, i.e., Net Energy Metering (NEM), Net Energy Metering Plus (NEM Plus), Customer Grid Supply (CGS), Customer Grid Supply Plus (CGS Plus), Smart Export (SE), Customer Self Supply (CSS), and Smart DER. Information on the Company’s DER programs may be found on the Company’s website at Private Rooftop Solar page. DER participants also include Standard Interconnection Agreement (SIA) and non-solar (e.g., wind) distributed generation (DG) customers.
DR participants include customers enrolled in the existing DR programs (i.e., Residential Direct Load Control (RDLC), Commercial and Industrial Direct Load Control (CIDLC), and Fast DR programs), and Grid Service Purchase Agreement (GSPA) participants. Information on the company’s DR programs may be found on the Company’s website Demand Response page.
1 Some customers may opt to participate in both a DER and DR program, however, this is expected to be very unusual. For purposes of this initial scorecard, the number of DER and DR participants are each counted separately and included in the total number of participants.
2 CBRE Phase 1 and 2 customers are allowed only one subscription per metered electric account and cannot participate in another DER program. Participation is determined from Subscriber Organization rosters in the company’s CBRE Portal.
Metric: Number and percent of customers participating in the following programs:
- CBRE projects
- DER programs, including existing programs such as NEM, NEM Plus, CGS, CGS Plus, SE, and CSS, as well as Smart DER3
- DR programs, including any existing DR programs, such as RDLC, CIDLC and Fast DR programs, GSPAs or BYOD
Target: 30% of customers4
3 DER participants also include non-solar (e.g., wind) DG customers.
4 Target may evolve with the finalization of new DER programs in Docket No. 2019-0323.
Reporting Frequency: Quarterly
Hawaiian Electric
Maui County
Hawaii Island
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
Green Button Connect My Data Scorecard
The company successfully launched its Energy Portal at the end of April 2021. Among its various functions, customers with an advanced meter installed will be able to authorize third-party vendors to access their Energy Portal data with Green Button Connect My Data. Once authorized, Green Button Connect My Data allows a vendor to gain easy access to customer electric usage data after consent from the customer. The vendor will need to be certified with Green Button Connect My Data to provide this option to its customers. The company tracks the number and percent of customers that have used Green Button Connect My Data to enable sharing of information and then compare it to the percentage of all customers with AMI installed.
Metric: Number and percent of customers that have used Green Button Connect My Data to enable sharing of information
Target: Equal to the percent of all customers with advanced meters installed
Reporting Frequency: Quarterly
As of 6/30/2024 | |||
Number | % of Customers | ||
Metric | Green Button Connect My Data | 0 | 0% |
Target | Total AMI Installed | 437,789 | 437,789/469,668 = 93.21% |
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
Green Button Download My Data Scorecard
The company successfully launched its Energy Portal at the end of April 2021. Among its various functions, the Energy Portal will allow customers to download their energy use data with Green Button Download My Data. The company tracks the number and percent of customers that have used Green Button Download My Data and then compare it to the percentage of all customers with AMI installed.
Metric: Number and percent of customers that have used Green Button Download My Data
Target: Equal to the percent of all customers with advanced meters installed
Reporting Frequency: Quarterly
As of 6/30/2024 | |||
Number | % of Customers | ||
Metric | Green Button Download My Data | 23,612 | 23,612/469,688 = 5.03% |
Target | Total AMI Installed | 437,789 | 437,789/469,668 = 93.21% |
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
TOU Participation Scorecard
The TOU Participation scorecard reports the number and percentage of customers who are enrolled in Hawaiian Electric’s TOU programs/tariffs, which includes customers who take service on Schedules TOU-RI, TOU-R, TOU EV, EV-R, TOU-G, TOU-J, TOU-P, U, EV-F, EV-C, ARD TOU R, ARD TOU G, ARD TOU J, Rider M, and Rider T, by customer class, with the total percent of all TOU participants for all customer classes compared to the percent of all customers with advanced meters installed. This scorecard includes customers who participate in Schedules ARD TOU R, ARD TOU G, and ARD TOU J that were developed in Docket No. 2019-0323 and became effective February 1, 2024. This scorecard is presented on a consolidated basis (i.e., for all three divisions of Hawaiian Electric) as well as for each of the company’s island regions (i.e., Oahu, Maui County, and Hawaii Island).
Metric: Number and percentage of customers participating in time varying tariffs, by customer class, including existing TOU rates and any new TOU rates developed in Docket No. 2019-0323
Target: Equal to the percent of all customers with advanced meters installed
Reporting Frequency: Quarterly
Hawaiian Electric
Maui County
Hawaii Island
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).
AMI Opt-Out Reported Metric
On March 3, 2021, the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission approved Hawaiian Electric’s proposal to modify its advanced meter deployment approach from an opt-in approach to an opt-out approach. The AMI opt-out metric measures the percentage of customers who decline to receive an AMI meter. This metric is based on the total number of opt-outs divided by the total number of customers who received communications about their upcoming meter exchange.
Metric: Percentage of customers opting out of advanced meters
Reporting Frequency: Biannual
Hawaiian Electric
Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).