Selling Power to the Utility


Land Request for Information


(Updated October 18, 2024)

The results of the 2023 Land Request for Information (Land RFI) are now available to developers interested in participating in the upcoming Oahu and Hawaii Island IGP RFP. Land sites are available for both Oahu and Hawaii Island. These locations were identified by landowners open to having discussions with prospective renewable energy project developers to site utility-scale renewable energy projects on their properties.

In order to request the available land parcel information, Hawaiian Electric requires interested developers to fill out, sign, and return a Mutual Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to be executed with the Company. This NDA will be the same NDA required to participate in the upcoming Oahu and Hawaii Island IGP RFP. As stated in the RFP, the form of the NDA is non-negotiable.

Developers who, after reviewing the Land RFI results, are interested in a location and would like to further pursue developing a proposal for a renewable energy project sited on a particular site should then contact the landowner or its designated representative directly to initiate discussions to secure the land rights for the property.

Mutual Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Instructions for completing the NDA PDF:

  1. As specified in Section 3.13.1 of the RFP draft, “[t]he form of the NDA is not negotiable.” The NDA PDF for download contains specific text box fields to fill in. Fill those in completely.
  2. After filling in the text boxes, digitally sign the NDA PDF in ADOBE. NOTE: Please fill in your “Print Name” and “Its” title before digitally signing as signing will lock those fields. Leave all Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc. fields blank.
  3. Send the completed NDA to

The Company will then sign and return a copy of the executed NDA back to you and the Land RFI Team will provide you the Oahu and Hawaii Island Land RFI results.