Grid Modernization Technologies


Advanced Rate Design Strategy (ARDS)

A Modern Rate Design for a Modern Grid

As we move toward a 100% renewable energy future for Hawaii, the way we operate – from the meters to the grid – must evolve. As well as modernizing our infrastructure and equipment, our rate designs must also evolve in a way that supports and encourages more renewable energy while also being fair and responsive to customers.

We must develop advanced rate options that will reward customers for efficient use of electricity and provide price signals that can guide customers where to direct energy efficiency and conservation efforts and/or invest in distributed energy resources. Our Advanced Rate Design Strategy (ARDS) will focus on pricing and programs that enable customers to better manage their electricity usage.


September 25, 2019 - Advanced Rate Design Strategy (PDF) application filing submitted to PUC.

Advanced Rate Design Strategy Workshop

On July 15, 2019, the following presenters offered their industry expertise in providing us with stakeholder input as we develop our ARDS. Below are videos of what they shared with us as well as their presentations in PDF format available for download.

Ahmad Faruqui, Principal, The Brattle Group
Advanced Rate Designs, The Eight FAQs - Download presentation (PDF)

Jim Lazar, Senior Advisor, Regulatory Assistance Project (RAP)
Advanced Rate Design for Hawaiian Electric - Download presentation (PDF)

Travis Kavulla, Director, Energy & Environmental Policy, R Street Institute
Rate Design in a 100% Clean-Energy Transition - Download presentation (PDF)

Chris Yunker, Energy Systems & Planning Branch Manager, Hawaii State Energy Office
Rate Design: Pricing in Consideration of State Energy Policy - Download presentation (PDF)

Jennifer Davidson, Chief Financial Officer, Sacramento Municipal Utility District (SMUD)
Hawaiian Electric Advanced Rate Design Workshop - Download presentation (PDF)

Cyndee Fang, Manager of Energy Research & Analysis, San Diego Gas & Electric (SDGE)
Advanced Rate Design Workshop - Download presentation (PDF)

Ren Orans, Managing Partner, Energy and Environmental Economics, Inc. (E3)
Advanced Rate Design Workshop - Download presentation (PDF)