Our Vision & Commitment
Our Declaration & Promise
Our Declaration

Hawaiian Electric shall be one of the most progressive and highestâperforming companies in the world, serving the energy needs of each person in Hawaii with purpose, compassion, empathy and aloha for our fellow humans and our natural environment. We commit to be the best in all we do. We turn our Hawaii spirit and our connectedness with others to our community's advantage. We act with boldness and urgency, without fear of failure. Our highest priority is to build a sustainable Hawaii in which our children and grandchildren, our communities, our customers, and employees will thrive, together. We succeed by providing exceptional service to our customers and integrating and aligning our actions with those of other businesses and organizations. We drive ourselves and others to higher levels of achievement than ever before.
Our Customer Promise
At Hawaiian Electric, we are deeply rooted in our communities and take pride in serving you. We promise to create positive and meaningful experiences, making it easy to do business with us. We will be safe, courteous, professional, and efficient as we serve you. Through calm or storm, we will work tirelessly to earn and retain your trust.
Service Standards
T reat you as a member of our ohana
R espond promptly with respect and empathy
U nderstand and listen to your needs and perspective
S hare information clearly and concisely
T ake ownership and keep our commitments