View our Final Integrated Grid Plan!
Hawaiian Electric is pleased to present the Integrated Grid Plan: a pathway to a clean energy future.
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IGP Document Library
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Integrated Grid Planning
Path to Hawaii Powered
Our work to move toward a Hawaii Powered future is guided by a process called Integrated Grid Planning, or “IGP.” The IGP process brings many people together to build a resilient and reliable grid from local, renewable energy sources with various technologies and scales.
In this context, resilience means adapting to social, environmental, economic and technological changes to meet current and future energy needs.
Integrated Grid Plan
The Integrated Grid Plan (IGP) outlines a pathway to a clean energy future. It proposes actionable steps to decarbonize the electric grid on the State of Hawaii's timeline, with a flexible framework that can adapt to future technologies.
The Draft IGP was filed with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on March 31, 2023. A public comment period was held from March 31 through April 21, 2023, where we received just over 300 comments from community members, stakeholders, PUC staff and our technical advisory panel. The IGP has been updated in response to all received comments. All comments, and how they were addressed in the final version of the IGP, are available to view in Appendix H.
In October 2023, the PUC requested clarification on our preferred plans for generation and capacity, as well as updates since the IGP was filed in May 2023. On November 14, 2023, Hawaiian Electric filed a supplemental report to respond to this request. Key takeaways include clarification on preferred plans for adding renewable generation and capacity on each island, differentiation of a preferred plan and an alternative plan for Oahu, and timeline updates. View the Preferred Plans and Next Steps supplemental report.
The IGP was accepted by the PUC on March 7, 2024
Inputs and Assumptions
Forecasting the future of energy takes a lot of complicated data, which is why we’re breaking down what it means for customers. We hope the Inputs and Assumptions Data Dashboard helps explain how we leverage data to plan for how much clean energy we’ll need to generate to meet future customer demand.
Renewable Energy Zones
Hawaiian Electric partnered with the National Renewable Energy Laboratory to conduct a data-driven preliminary study to identify potential areas on Oahu, Hawaii Island and Maui that may be suitable for future renewable energy projects. Explore an interactive map of the proposed Renewable Energy Zones for potential future energy projects. We need your help to identify the best locations for these projects. You know your community and have the personal insight we need!

Integrated Grid Planning Today
We are currently working to define the plan for putting together Hawaii’s clean energy grid. This work includes aligning our IGP initiatives with the larger Climate Change Action Plan, analyzing models and planning for renewable energy zones and transmission infrastructure. Learn more about IGP accomplishments and upcoming work in the graphic below.

Climate Change Action Plan
In 2021, Hawaiian Electric announced a Climate Change Action Plan centered on significantly reducing carbon emissions by adding renewable generation to our island grids and retiring oil-fired power plants. By 2045, our carbon emissions will be net zero, meaning whatever small amount of emissions we produce will be captured or offset. If everyone pitches in, we'll create a cost-effective, sustainable and resilient energy system for future generations.
Review the Climate Change Action Plan
Clean Energy Goals
A key strategy to reach net zero emissions is generating our energy from clean, renewable sources. As an island state, we can’t rely on importing clean energy from neighboring states. Fortunately, Hawaii has an abundance of natural, renewable resources that can power a resilient grid.
We call our vision for using 100% local, clean energy, “Hawaii Powered.”
Hawaii Powered celebrates finding solutions for a clean energy future right here in Hawaii.
Clean energy for Hawaii by Hawaii:
- Frees us from external energy dependency
- Expands energy choices
- Supports our Climate Change Action Plan and decarbonization goals

Some of the ways we'll get there:
Retiring and reducing use of fossil-fueled generating units
Using more grid-scale and customer-owned energy storage solutions
Expanding geothermal resources
Adding clean energy projects (including community-based shared solar projects) capable of generating a total of at least 1 gigawatt
Creating customer programs that incentivize using clean, lower cost energy
Community and Stakeholder Engagement
Learn about planning process engagement
Upcoming Public Involvement Opportunities
Watch this space for engagement opportunities.

Stakeholder Document Libraries
Browse the library of all stakeholder documents, or click the links below to read about past meetings with active stakeholder groups. Get more information on working groups.

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Recent and Upcoming Meetings
Updated Non-Wires Alternative Expression of Interest - Waikoloa
December 23, 2024
Through the Non-Wires Alternative (“NWA”) EOI, Hawaiian Electric is seeking information to determine whether there are cost competitive NWAs to the traditional wires solution on the island of Hawaii, that will provide sufficient load reduction beginning in 2032 to address overloads of existing infrastructure due to the significant load growth in the Waikoloa area on Hawaii Island in the coming years. Developers or aggregators who are capable of developing utility-scale renewable projects or aggregating DER/EE in the Waikoloa area of Hawaii are encouraged to submit comprehensive responses to this request. General performance requirements are provided in the EOI. This is an update to the EOI issued in April 2024 for the Waikoloa area. Since then, the capacity grid need has been revised to reflect new information on service requests in the Waikoloa area.
Interested parties are requested to complete the Property Questionnaire (see Appendix A) and submit the information to Hawaiian Electric by February 7, 2025.
Email (Preferred Method): With pdf file attachment(s) and subject heading “Waikoloa NWA EOI Response” to
U.S. Mail*:
Director, T&D and Interconnection Planning (mail code WA4-BB)
T&D and Interconnection Planning
Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 2750
Honolulu, Hawaii 96840-0001
If additional information or clarification regarding the EOI or the EOI process outlined in this document is required, questions may be submitted to
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