Integrated Grid Planning
Historical Integrated Grid Planning Updates
Non-Wires Alternative Expression of Interest - Waikoloa
April 5, 2024
Through the Non-Wires Alternative (“NWA”) Expression of Interest ("EOI"), Hawaiian Electric is seeking information to determine whether there are cost competitive NWAs to the traditional wires solution on the island of Hawaii, that will provide sufficient load reduction beginning in 2029 to address overloads of existing infrastructure due to the significant load growth in the Waikoloa area on Hawaii island in the coming years. Developers or aggregators who are capable of developing utility-scale renewable projects or aggregating DER/EE in the Waikoloa area of Hawaii are encouraged to submit comprehensive responses to this request. General performance requirements are provided in the EOI.
Interested parties are requested to complete the Property Questionnaire (see Appendix A) and submit the information to Hawaiian Electric by May 10, 2024.
Email (Preferred Method): With pdf file attachment(s) and subject heading “Waikoloa NWA EOI Response” to
U.S. Mail*:
Director, T&D and Interconnection Planning (mail code WA4-BB)
T&D and Interconnection Planning
Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
P.O. Box 2750
Honolulu, Hawaii 96840-0001
If additional information or clarification regarding the EOI or the EOI process outlined in this document is required, questions may be submitted to
Updated Competitive Bidding Framework
April 21, 2021
On April 21, 2021, the Commission issued Order No. 37740 establishing a procedural schedule to review the updated Competitive Bidding Framework filed by the Companies, and instructed the Parties to provide their comments by the noted deadlines.
Procedural Step | Deadline Date |
Consumer Advocate’s and Intervenors' Comments on the Updated Framework | May 18, 2021 |
Hawaiian Electric’s Reply Comments | May 27, 2021 |
Hawaiian Electric Integrated Grid Planning (IGP) "Soft Launch" RFP Debriefing Session
March 3, 2020
Monday, March 9, 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. HST
American Savings Bank – 8th floor (Conference Room - ASB 2)
1001 Bishop Street
Honolulu, HI 96813
Webex Information:
Please contact Isaac Kawahara at for webex registration information.
Hawaiian Electric Integrated Grid Planning (IGP) "Soft Launch" RFP
February 13, 2020
Hawaiian Electric, in consultation with the Independent Observer, has decided not to move forward with the IGP Soft Launch RFP due to an insufficient response to the RFP performance and operations requirements (MW and duration).
Per Section 1.2.1 of the RFP, for each one of the deferral opportunities, all of the expected performance and operational requirements described in below need to be met to defer the planned investment.
RFP Section 1.2: Summary of Reliability (Back-Tie) Service Requirements
Equipment | MW Peak | Operational Date | Delivery Months | Delivery Hours | Duration (Hr) | Max # of Days | |
Kapolei 4 Circuit Extension | Kapolei 2 Tsf | 3.5 | Feb 2022 | Jan-Dec | 5PM-11PM | 6 | 365 |
Hoopili Substation | Ewa Nui 2 Ckt | 5.1 | Jan 2023 | Jan-Dec | 11AM-12AM | 13 | 365 |
Kaloi 1 Tsf6 | 9.7 | Jan 2023 | Jan-Dec | 6AM-8AM, 9AM-12AM | 17 | 365 | |
Kaloi 3 Ckt6 | 2.6 | Jan 2023 | Jan-Dec | 5PM-11PM | 6 | 365 | |
Kamokila 4 Ckt | 1.0 | May 2023 | Jan-Dec | 5PM-10PM | 5 | 226 |
Please contact with any questions. As a result, Hawaiian Electric intends to move forward with the traditional solutions for the Kapolei 4 Circuit Extension and the Hoopili Substation.
Pre-Recorded Webinar Conference for the Hawaiian Electric Integrated Grid Planning "Soft Launch" RFP
November 18, 2019
The IGP Soft Launch RFP Pre-Recorded Webinar Conference is now available for viewing.
Integrated Grid Planning "Soft Launch" RFP
RFP Open for Proposals
The Soft Launch RFP was issued on November 8, 2019 and is currently open for proposals. Bidders must submit proposals via Power Advocate, an electronic procurement platform. See Appendix B and Appendix D of the RFP for registration, user information and instructional information. Bids must be received through PowerAdvocate by Tuesday, January 7, 2020, 2:00 pm Hawaii Standard time (HST). The final RFP documents are available at the links below.
- RFP for Non-Wires Alternatives to Provide Reliability (Back-Tie) Services (PDF)
- App. K: Grid Services Purchase Agreement ("GSPA") (DOCX)
- App. L: Scheduled and Contingency Capacity Purchase Agreement ("SCCPA") (DOCX)
All questions or concerns regarding the RFP, while the RFP event is open, shall be submitted to the Company via email to, with the Independent Observer cc'd.
Information for PowerAdvocate Platform technical support can be referenced in Appendix B of the RFP. PowerAdvocate Platform support is available from 8:00 am to 8:00 pm Eastern Time (2:00 am to 2:00 pm HST when daylight savings is in effect) Monday to Friday, except for Holidays posted on the PowerAdvocate website, both by phone: (857) 453-5800 and by e-mail:
RFP Appendix L - Scheduled and Contingency Capacity Purchase Agreement ("SCCPA") Available for Review
A draft of the Model Scheduled and Contingency Capacity Purchase Agreement ("SCCPA") for resources located in front of the meter is now available for review. This contract will be negotiable in the RFP.
IGP "Soft Launch" RFP
A draft of the Integrated Grid Planning ("IGP") Soft Launch request for proposals ("RFP") (PDF) is now available. The identified need for the Soft Launch is to provide Reliability (back-tie) Services for the East Kapolei Area Distribution System on the island of Oahu. The IGP Soft Launch RFP is intended to be technology agnostic and will consider provider solutions behind the meter and/or in front of the meter. Providers may develop multiple solution proposals or combinations of proposals to satisfy the distribution needs on the system.
The IGP Process is a fully integrated planning and procurement process rooted in customer and stakeholder input. The IGP process is intended to harmonize resource, transmission, and distribution planning processes and create customer value by evaluating the collective identified system needs and coordinating solutions that provide the best value on a consolidated basis. This approach appraises the total needs of the system, considers all alternatives (from customers, independent providers, and the utility), then selects the lowest cost/best fit solution(s) to produce an optimized portfolio which will contribute to reliable and affordable grid operations within the desired level of system and distribution resilience.
- On July 12, 2018, PUC opens docket and invites public comments on our Integrated Grid Planning Report (PDF).
- Hawaiian Electric developed a Grid Modernization Strategy filed with the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on August 29, 2017. As part of the Grid Modernization Strategy, we proposed the Integrated Grid Planning process that integrates the needs at all levels of the system: customer, bulk power resources, transmission, and distribution. The process would engage customers and stakeholders at key junctures in the integrated resource, transmission, and distribution planning effort.
- Hawaiian Electric filed our Power Supply Improvement Plans ("PSIP") with the PUC on December 23, 2016, outlining our near-term actions that will lead to the use of renewable resources to meet 100 percent of Hawaii's power generation needs by 2045. The PUC accepted the PSIP on July 14, 2017.