Integrated Grid Planning


Working Groups

IGP involves several aspects that will involve process changes, enhancements and new methods. These improvements involve technical aspects that will benefit from stakeholder education, input and feedback. As such, Working Group(s) ("WG") will be formed on an as-needed basis to address specific topics in an advisory only capacity and not as a decision-making group.

Working Group(s) will be stood down upon completion of the work task related to their input and contributions involving their subject-matter expertise. In an effort to create an efficient and positive group dynamic, participation in a Working Group will ideally be comprised of subject matter experts or knowledgeable members in the topic area. Equally important is membership with the capacity to dedicate sufficient time to support the timely completion of the WG's scope of work. Further, one or more Working Groups will involve topics that are part of or related to other Commission proceedings, such as the DR docket. Every effort will be made to integrate or at least coordinate the Working Group and/or IGP activity with those associated proceedings.

Based on the feedback from stakeholders and IGP development needs, the following working groups will be initiated in 2019:

  • Forecast Assumptions WG to support development of forecast assumptions and sensitivities as part of the pre-IGP planning cycle activity
  • Resilience WG to support the development of resilience planning criteria for Hawaii's power system including resource, transmission and distribution in relation to potential societal and economic impacts;
  • Distribution Planning WG to support enhancements to the methods and tools for distribution planning and the integration with resource and transmission planning; and
  • Market WG comprised of four interrelated subgroups1 to support development of the sourcing and evaluation steps in the IGP process:
    • Standardized Contract WG: develops standardized contracts and service agreements, beginning with the Grid Services Purchase Agreement (GSPA) and the Company's Model Renewable Dispatchable Generation PPA and Model Firm PPA.
    • Grid Services WG: identifies and defines additional energy, capacity, ancillary and non-wires services.
    • Solution Evaluation and Optimization WG: focuses on the methods for evaluating and optimizing multiple solutions for multiple grid services.
    • Competitive Procurement WG: seeks to define the fairest, most efficient and streamlined procurement process possible to enable integration with the IGP.


Any party interested in joining the Competitive Procurement Working Group (CPWG) may do so under two options:

  • An observation role which allows participants to call in and listen to active meetings. Questions and comments of these participants shall be submitted thru the IGP website.
  • A full participant role which allows active participation in meetings and other resource building activities. A full participant is expected to have an interest in the CPWG, knowledge of procurement processes, and the time and resources necessary to attend meetings and complete any assignments.

Please contact Isaac Kawahara with your request to join the CPWG along with the specified role.

Previous Meetings & Documents

Access the documents from past Working Group meetings:

Stakeholder Technical Working Group Documents
Forecast Assumptions Working Group Documents
Competitive Procurement Working Group Documents
Distribution Planning & Grid Services Working Group Documents
Solution Evaluation and Optimization Working Group Documents
Resilience Working Group Documents
Standardized Contract Working Group Documents

1 The Market Working Group reference is used to represent the four subgroups' interrelated activity and will not involve another separate group.