Customer Renewable Programs


Customer Grid-Supply

The Customer Grid-Supply program is closed to new participants as of November 7, 2017.

Grid-Supply Diagram

Customer Grid-Supply (CGS) enables residential and commercial customers to connect private rooftop solar or other renewable systems (up to 100 kW total output capacity) to the electric grid. CGS provides eligible customers with credits on their electric bills for excess electricity sent to the grid or energy delivered by the Company to the customer-generator, whichever is less at a fixed rate approved by the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission through October 20, 2022 (see table below). These credits can help customers offset all or part of their electrical usage and lower their bills. These customers are billed the retail rate for all electricity they use that they receive from the utility.

The safe, reliable operation of the grid is important to everyone. The combination of utility system upgrades and leading-edge, customer-facing technology is providing new opportunities to connect more private rooftop solar or other renewable systems in less time with greater efficiency. All new systems in Hawaii are now required to use advanced inverters that help maintain a stable and reliable grid. Click here for more information on how advanced inverters work and what it means for your system.

Click here for more details about how CGS billing works (PDF)

Export Credits*

  • Oahu - 15.07¢/kWh
  • Hawaii - 15.14¢/kWh
  • Maui - 17.16¢/kWh
  • Molokai - 24.07¢/kWh
  • Lanai - 27.88¢/kWh

*Export credits may only be used during the month they are generated. Excess monthly credits expire with the utility cost reductions benefiting all customers.