Shift and Save


Savings Tool

Use this tool to give yourself an idea of the possible changes the new Shift and Save rates may have on your electric bill. This tool is not meant to give an exact representation of your actual bill. Taxes and fees may apply to your actual monthly billing which may not be reflected in this tool.

Current Shift and Save Rates

Time Periods Daytime ($/kWh) Evening Peak ($/kWh) Overnight ($/kWh)
Current Rates*

*Based on Feb. 2024 rates for Oahu customers

For a more accurate comparison between your current monthly payments and the new Shift and Save rates, feel free to use the My Energy Use Rate Comparison Tool. For more information on how you can shift your electrical usage and save money, view our Shift and Save tips.

1. Usage Profile

Select the profile the best matches your monthly usage to help view the changes Shift and Save rates can have on your bill. The values for each of these usage profiles is based of real customer data with similar usage ranges. The exact values for your monthly usage will be displayed in the Usage Table below based on your usage profile selection.

2. Shift Type

Select how you want to shift your energy.

Daytime: 9 am - 5 pm, Evening Peak: 5 pm - 9 pm, Overnight: 9 pm - 9 am

3. Shift Value

Select how much energy you want to shift from one period to another.

4. Calculate Savings

Press Calculate and see how much you can save! A detailed breakdown of your choices will be displayed in the Usage Summary below.

Usage Summary

Daytime Evening Peak Overnight Monthly Total
Energy Usage
Usage (%) 100%

Advanced Shift Table

The Advanced Shift Table below can be used to investigate more complicated changes, like making multiple shifts in energy usage. The result of your shift(s) will be displayed in the Usage Summary above.

Shift One Shift Two
Desired Shift
Shift Amount
Shift From
Shift To
Shift Savings
Total Savings**

**Shift One will be calculated first before Shift Two. Please be aware that the order of these shifts may have an effect on your Monthly Cost calculation. Additional fees may apply. View more information on these additional Shift and Save fees.