Advanced Meters


Facts Over Fear

Hawaiian Electric is committed to a clean energy future and we are investing in the technology to modernize our grid, increase customer benefits, deliver reliable service, and keep Hawaii on track as we reach each renewable energy milestone, together. Part of our efforts include installing advanced meters on homes and businesses. The two-way data sharing through a secure wireless network is a vital component to modernizing our grid. You’ll hear many opinions about advanced meters, even some false claims, but we want to make sure you know the facts:

Advanced meters are going to be installed on my home even if I don’t want one. FALSE! Truth:
Customers have a choice to decline an advanced meter. If you don’t want one, you don’t have to have one. Simply call our Customer Service Center, or mail/email in the opt out form to
Advanced meters cause health issues because of the radio frequencies used to transmit data. FALSE! Truth:
Advanced meters emit significantly less RF than many commonly used wireless devices, such as cell phones, radios, and wi-fi routers. The Federal Communications Commission (FCC) says:

“Some health and safety interest groups have interpreted certain reports to suggest that wireless device use may be linked to cancer and other illnesses, posing potentially greater risks for children than adults. While these assertions have gained increased public attention, currently no scientific evidence establishes a causal link between wireless device use and cancer or other illnesses.”

“Since 1996, the FCC has required that all wireless communications devices sold in the United States meet its minimum guidelines for safe human exposure to radiofrequency (RF) energy”

“All wireless devices sold in the U.S. go through a formal FCC approval process to ensure that they do not exceed the exposure limits when operating at the device’s highest possible power level.”

Hawaiian Electric continues to monitor updated research and information for the health and safety of our employees, customers, and public.
Advanced meters collect your personal data which is not protected. FALSE! Truth:
We protect your usage data by requiring encryption “in transit” from the meter to us and security while on our computer systems. We also require all parties who receive or access customer usage data to agree to comprehensive confidentiality and data protection obligations. Learn more about our privacy policy.

The Benefits of Upgrading to an Advanced Meter

Fact Over Fear Meter

Advanced meters are the meters of the future! It’s a modern meter that enables two-way communication and data sharing from homes or businesses to Hawaiian Electric through a secure wireless communication network. Advanced meters are an essential tool in modernizing our electrical grid. Here’s some of the benefits you can expect:

  • More control - You’ll have detailed energy usage information (15-minute intervals) within 48 hours through an online portal, which will help you manage your electricity usage and budget your monthly energy expense. Easily enroll in future money saving programs and customized billing dates.
  • More privacy and convenience - No longer will you have to make plans for your outdoor pets, unlock your gate or have an estimated bill. Remote readings will avoid a field technician from having to physically come to your property. This also means we are helping the environment with less trucks on the road, less gas consumption, less traffic, and better operational efficiencies.
  • Faster move ins/outs - Easier residential relocations with remote start and stops for electrical service.
  • Improved reliability - Advanced meters work side by side with other advanced technologies and can alert us to better forecast and prevent outages from occurring.
  • Improved customer service - You will be able to see the same information as your call center representative, so we can resolve any issues together, making the experience more efficient.

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