
Career Opportunities

To explore available opportunities and become a partner in our vision, please create an account and apply for a vacant position at our Careers Site.


Employment Testing

Certain positions may require applicants to pass aptitude and skill tests. Our pre-employment tests have been shown to be job related, fair, objective, and consistent to help identify qualified applicants for jobs at Hawaiian Electric. Tests and associated procedures are administered consistently for all applicants.

We partner with Edison Electric Institute (EEI) for several of our employment tests including:

  • Technical Occupations Selection System (TECH)
  • Construction and Skilled Trades Selection System (CAST)
  • Power Plant Maintenance Positions Selection System (MASS)
  • Plant Operator Selection System (POSS)
  • Support and Administration Selection System - BCAB (SASS)
  • Customer Service Representative (CSR)

For more information on the EEI employment tests, testing tips, and/or practice tests, please visit EEI's website. Being prepared to take a test is an important part of the testing process and may improve your chances of qualifying on the test. However, there is no guarantee that by reading the brochures and the test preparation guides you will qualify.

How to Access the Edison Electric Institute (EEI) Website

To access the EEI website, disable your pop-up blocker if you are using one (or allow pop-ups from Numerous browsers and plug-ins have pop-up blockers; consult your help menu for details. You can re-enable your pop-up blocker after you finish looking at these pages. The user name and password for the site are:

Name: heco
Password: testing

After logging onto the website,

  • Click the "Brochures" link for information about the EEI tests listed above.
  • Click the "SkillBuilders" link for information about work performed in electric utility jobs and to learn the knowledge and skills required for success.
  • Click on the "Practice Tests" link to help prepare for the EEI employment tests.