Rates & Regulations
Oahu Rates
Oahu Rates (PDF) - Index Page
Interim Rate Increase (PDF) - Interim Rate Increase - (This rate has been terminated as of September 1, 2018)
Interim Rate Refund (PDF) - Interim Rate Refund
REIP (PDF) - Renewable Energy Infrastructure Cost Recovery Provision
Schedule R (PDF) - Residential Service
Schedule G (PDF) - General Service Non-Demand
Schedule J (PDF) - General Service Demand
Schedule DS (PDF) - Large Power Directly Served Service
Schedule P (PDF) - Large Power Service
Schedule F (PDF) - Public Street Lighting, Highway Lighting and Park and Playground Floodlighting
Schedule U (PDF) - Time-of-Use Service
Schedule E (PDF) - Electric Service For Employees
Schedule Q (PDF) - Purchases From Qualifying Facilities 100 KW or Less
Schedule RP (PDF) - Residential Prepaid Service Demonstration
Schedule SS (PDF) - Standby Service
Schedule TOU-R (PDF) - Residential Time-of-Use Service - (Closed to new customers)
Schedule TOU-G (PDF) - Small Commercial Time-of-Use Service - (Closed to new customers)
Schedule TOU-J (PDF) - Commercial Time-of-Use Service - (Closed to new customers)
Schedule TOU-P (PDF) - Large Commercial Time-of-Use Service
Rider I (PDF) - Interruptible Contract Service
Rider M (PDF) - Off-Peak and Curtailable Service
Rider PA (PDF) - Preferential Electricity Rate Rider for Protected Agriculture
Rider SSP (PDF) - SolarSaver Pilot Program
Rider T (PDF) - Time-of-Day Rider - (Closed to new customers)
Green Infrastructure Fee (PDF) - Green Infrastructure Fee Surcharge
FIT (PDF) - Schedule FIT Tier 1 and Tier 2
FIT Appendix I (PDF) - Schedule FIT Appendix I Tier 1 and Tier 2 Agreements
FIT Appendix II (PDF) - Schedule FIT Appendix II Queuing and Interconnection Procedures
FIT Tier 3 (PDF) - Schedule FIT Tier 3
FIT Tier 3 Appendix I (PDF) - Schedule FIT Tier 3 Appendix I Agreement
FIT Tier 3 Appendix II (PDF) - Schedule FIT Tier 3 Appendix II Queuing and Interconnection Procedures
ECRC (PDF) - Energy Cost Recovery Clause
PBF (PDF) - Public Benefits Fund Surcharge
IRP/DSM Cost Recovery (PDF) - Integrated Resource Planning Cost Recovery Provision
Refund of IRP Cost (PDF) - Integrated Resource Planning Cost Recovery Provision
Smart Power For Schools (PDF) - Green Pricing Program Provision
Residential TOU EV (PDF) - Residential Time-of-Use Service with Electric Vehicle Pilot - (Closed to new customers)
RBA (PDF) - Revenue Balancing Account Provision
RAM (PDF) - Rate Adjustment Mechanism Provision
PPAC (PDF) - Purchased Power Adjustment Clause
EV-F (PDF) - Commercial Public Electric Vehicle Charging Facility Service Pilot - (This rate has been terminated as of July 1, 2023)
EV-J (PDF) - Electric Vehicle Charging Service – Demand Pilot
EV-P (PDF) - Electric Vehicle Charging Service – Large Demand Pilot
EV-U (PDF) - Commercial Public Electric Vehicle Charging Service Pilot
TOU-RI (PDF) - Residential Interim Time-of-Use Service - (Closed to new customers)
PIM (PDF) - Performance Incentive Mechanism Provision
Schedule E-Bus-J (PDF) - Commercial Electric Bus Charging Facility Service Pilot
Schedule E-Bus-P (PDF) - Commercial Electric Bus Charging Facility Service Pilot
ARA (PDF) - Annual Revenue Adjustment Provision
Schedule ARD TOU-R (PDF) - Residential Time-of-Use Service
Schedule ARD TOU-G (PDF) - Small Commercial Time-of-Use Service
Schedule ARD TOU-J (PDF) - Commercial Time-of-Use Service