Integration Tools and Resources


Locational Value Maps

Welcome to the Locational Value Maps (LVM) for Oahu, Maui County and Hawaii Island

Locational Value Maps can help when planning customer-sited generation, also called Distributed Generation (DG). These maps indicate the approximate amount of DG hosting capacity remaining on the utilities' primary distribution network. However, these maps do not indicate the amount of space available, if any, on the secondary systems within the primary network. To get a preview, view our LVM guide.

Our goal is to help integrate as much customer-sited renewable generation as possible while maintaining reliable service to all customers. Reliable service may be impacted if a circuit has too much DG interconnected without the installation of adequate protective measures.

DG may include:

  • Solar, wind, hydro or biomass renewable generation for Net Energy Metering (NEM), Feed-In Tariff (FIT), Customer Grid Supply (CGS), Customer Self Supply (CSS) or a Standard Interconnection Agreement (SIA), or
  • Non-renewable generation for a Standard Interconnection Agreement (SIA).


  • DG percentages on the LVM shown are based on installed systems and accepted interconnections.
  • The maps are updated nightly and actual circuit conditions may change at any time. You may also ask us for a preliminary primary circuit check that may provide more up-to-date information. A LVM address search or a preliminary primary circuit check from your utility do NOT reserve a place in line for your system nor do they guarantee no further engineering reviews will be needed when you submit your application for utility review. Although the map may show a greater amount of space available in your neighborhood (i.e. electrical primary part of the distribution circuit), it is possible that constraints may exist on the electrical secondary service to the home that will require system upgrades before additional systems can interconnect. To ensure safe and reliable service, all applications are required to go through an interconnection review process in accordance with Rule No. 14, Paragraph H (PDF), prior to interconnection of the distributed generation system.