Integrated Grid Planning


IGP Technical Conference June 4, 2021

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Meeting Objectives

  • Review progress updates in developing revised IGP Inputs and Assumptions
  • Discuss major areas of stakeholder questions, priorities, and feedback on IGP work products filed for the First Review Point
  • Lay the groundwork for a collaborative IGP process moving forward


  1. Welcome, Background Context, and Overview of the Day
  2. Presentation: Hawaiian Electric’s Initial Plan for Revising IGP Inputs and Assumptions
  3. Deep Dives 1 & 2*
    1. Fuel Price and Resource Cost Projections
    2. DER and Load Forecasts
      • Baseline inputs and assumptions
      • Modeling DERs for different scenarios and sensitivities
  4. Lunch Break
  5. Deep Dives 3 & 4*
    1. Resource and Reliability Planning Criteria
    2. Energy Efficiency Modeling
  6. Discussion: Opportunities for Process Improvements
  7. Closing Comments

* Each Deep Dive will include: a presentation from Hawaiian Electric on their progress in addressing the Commission’s directives related to the topic, presentations from Parties who indicate interest, Q&A and general discussion, and breakout group discussions time permitting.

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