Customer Renewable Programs


Generate Your Own Power

The Standard Interconnection Agreement is closed to new participants as of March 31, 2024.

A Standard Interconnection Agreement (SIA) is for renewable and non-renewable systems. This agreement allows you to reduce the amount of energy you require from the utility by energy produced from your system. Any surplus exported to the grid will not be "stored" or credited on your bill.

To view the complete tariff governing Standard Interconnection, please see Rule 14H for your island region:

To view a list of qualified equipment that meets Hawaiian Electric’s advanced inverter requirements, please see: Qualified Equipment List (PDF)

Submittal Requirements

Due at Time of Application Submittal

  • Completed DER Submittal Form
  • Completed Exhibit A
  • Completed Exhibit D (Certificate of Insurance)
  • Signature Pages (Appendix II, Appendix II-A or Appendix II-B) - Electronic signatures acceptable*
  • Single-Line Diagram
  • Three-Line Diagram (systems ≥ 30 kW)
  • Equipment specification sheets
  • Facility equipment list
  • Relay list (if applicable)
  • Trip Scheme (if applicable)

Due After Project Installation but Before Scheduling a Witness Verification Test

  • Completed DER Validation Form
  • All remaining documents/items specified in Technical Approval letter

* E-Signatures and scanned originals (e.g. pdf) are acceptable forms of electronic signatures.

Distributed Energy Resource Inspection

Prior to operating your system continuously, an inspection is required to verify compliance with Standard Interconnection Agreement Rule 14H.

Scheduling of the test requires a two (2) week lead time.

The Inspection will Verify the Following

  • The installation, including equipment ratings, matches all approved drawings and diagrams.
  • The system operates as designed and approved.
  • The manual disconnect switch is properly labeled.
  • The meter is properly labeled for the presence of a customer-sided generating system.
  • No backfeed - The customer simulates a "loss of utility" power to the system by opening the disconnect switch or breaker. The customer must have a qualified person to measure, with a voltmeter, that there is no backfeed at the open disconnect switch.*

* For liability purposes Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. will not operate your equipment and so we ask that you provide a qualified person/electrician to be available to conduct the test.


* Links to file sharing websites may not be accessible. Please check with us prior to sharing a link.


If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Standard Interconnection Agreement, please contact us at: