Outdoor Safety


Tree Trimming Contractors

Hawaiian Electric currently contracts our vegetation management operations to the following companies: Asplundh Tree Expert Co., The Davey Tree Surgery Company, and Vegetation Control Service, Inc.

Our contractors have their respective company logos on all of their vehicles. Please contact us at (808) 543-7836, if you are not sure if a tree trimming company is performing work on behalf of Hawaiian Electric.

Line Clearance Qualified (LCQ) Tree Trimming Contractors

Do you need to hire your own LCQ Tree Trimming Contractor for work outside Hawaiian Electric's vegetation management program's responsibilities? Some of our LCQ contractors may be available for hire on Oahu. Please contact them directly to discuss the work.


Please note: The above list of LCQ tree trimming contractors is provided for general information purposes and does not constitute an endorsement of any specific contractor. Hawaiian Electric and its affiliate companies are in no way associated with any of the above contractors.

Hawaiian Electric has no control over third party tree trimming services and Hawaiian Electric does not guarantee the fitness or quality of any work performed by any of the above listed LCQ contractors, and we do recommend that customers obtain written quotes from licensed and insured LCQ contractors for any tree trimming work performed near power lines.