
Stage 3 RFP Interconnection Process

The journey toward achieving our renewable energy goals is well underway and Hawaii is experiencing unprecedented growth in utility scale generation. Hawaiian Electric recognizes the growing need for an improved interconnection process. This page describes our interconnection process for utility-scale generation, including a description of each step in the process, lists of key deliverables, and helpful resources and examples to guide you. The steps below specifically relate to the Stage 3 Requests for Proposals. Hawaiian Electric notes that the interconnection process for future procurements may vary.

Quick Reference Guide

ACTIVE Requests for Proposal (RFPs)

The Framework for Competitive Bidding was adopted by the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) as a mechanism for acquiring or building new energy generation in Hawaii. The process is initiated by Hawaiian Electric with the issuance of a Request for Proposals (RFPs). All projects with a net output greater than 5 MW on Oahu, 2.5 MW on Maui and Hawaii and 250 kW on Molokai and Lanai, including that of independent power producers, are subject to the PUC's Framework for Competitive Bidding.

View Active RFPs

Part 1: RFP and Selection Process

Target Timeline: 11 months

Involved Stakeholders: Hawaiian Electric, Developer, Community, and Public Utilities Commission (PUC)

Part 1 begins the process with PUC approval of a RFP. Hawaiian Electric solicits competitive bids from electric power generation developers to meet specific energy and capacity needs across our service territory. Part 1 includes RFP approval by the Commission, issuance of the RFP by Hawaiian Electric, evaluation and selection of proposals to the final award group for the RFP, with oversight by the PUC.

Part 2: Power Purchase Agreement and PUC Application

Target Timeline: 13 months

Involved Stakeholders: Hawaiian Electric, Developer, Community, and PUC

Part 2 includes negotiation of the PPA and developing the supporting information for the PPA and PUC Application. PUC approval of the PUC Application for the PPA is the desired result of Part 2. 

Part 3: Engineering, Procurement, Construction (EPC), and Operation

Target Timeline: 1 to 9 years, depending on project

Involved Stakeholders: Developer and Hawaiian Electric

Part 3 begins after PUC approval of the PPA and is primarily driven by the Developer, who is responsible for most of the work described in this Part 3. The Company is responsible for the construction of the Company Owned Interconnection Facility (COIF). Commercial operations is the result of Part 3.