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Waena Site Visit Questions & Answers
Hawaiian Electric (sometimes also referred to as the "Company") provides the answers below, based on the best information available at the time an answer is posted, which may not reflect the scope and requirements of the final RFP. Prospective Proposers should review this Q&A page periodically to check for updates, additions, clarifications and/or corrections to any of Company's prior responses. Each Proposer is solely responsible for reviewing the final RFP (including all attachments and links) and all responses on this Q&A page. Each Proposer is also solely responsible for thoroughly investigating and informing itself with respect to all matters pertinent to the RFP, the Proposer's Proposal, and the Proposer's anticipated performance under the applicable power purchase agreement. It is the Proposer's responsibility to ensure it understands all requirements of the RFP and to seek clarification if the RFP's requirements or the Company's requests or responses are not clear. Accordingly, a potential Proposer may not rely upon a prior response that may be clarified or corrected in a subsequent response. Efforts will be made by the Company to highlight subsequent clarifications and corrections to prior responses, but potential Proposers are ultimately responsible for monitoring this Q&A page and to inquire with the Company regarding any perceived inconsistencies or contradictory information. Finally, a Proposer's submission of information to the Company will not be independently confirmed by the Company. All Proposers must separately request confirmation of receipt of submitted information if desired by any Proposer.
Waena Site Visit conducted May 4, 2023
Questions and answers noted during the Waena Site Visit are provided below. If any verbal statements during the site visit differ from these posted answers, these answers will supersede.
[Posted 5/18/23] There is a small sliver of land between the Waena Site and Upper Division Road. How far is the distance from Upper Division Road to the Waena Site.
The land owned by Mahi Pono between Upper Division Road and the Waena Site is shown below and is part of a larger contiguous parcel, the boundaries of which are shown in red below. Hawaiian Electric does not have the specific measurements for the portion of the parcel. Proposers should do their own due diligence regarding this area of land and any impact it has on their Proposal.
[Posted 5/18/23] Are there CAD drawings available?
No CAD drawings are available for the Waena site. All information that the Company is providing regarding the site can be found within the RFP documents or in any of the additional reports being provided subject to execution of a Mutual Non-Disclosure Agreement (“NDA”). Included in the RFP documents is a single line diagram depicting the required interconnection to the Company’s system at Waena Switchyard. This diagram, which is Attachment 5 to Appendix H, also requires execution of an NDA. The Waena single line diagram and additional studies can be requested via
[Posted 5/18/23] Are there height restrictions for the facility?
No height restrictions are identified in the RFP, however the Proposer will need to adhere to any government agency requirement or building permit/construction requirements.
[Posted 5/18/23] Switchyard – when will the switchyard be in service, and how many MW can be interconnected?
The switchyard is expected to be in service later this year. As stated in the Maui Injection Analysis Update filed in Docket No. 2017-0352 on April 20, 2023, “[t]he Waena Switchyard has an injection limit of 105 MW, which does not take into account a 40 MW injection from the Companies’ proposed Waena BESS project submitted in Docket No. 2020-0132.” After accounting for the Waena BESS, a balance of 65 MW is left for potential proposals. Although the injection analysis shows a balance of 65 MW, Proposers should also note that two (2) generation tie points are being made available to Proposers in the RFP, and there is a maximum single point of failure of 20 MW. Please reference the Maui Injection Study Update for additional information and notes.
[Posted 5/18/23] Are there any soil reports or past EIS available?
All available reports for the site can be requested via email ( once an NDA has been executed. The NDA is available as Appendix E of the RFP.
[Posted 5/18/23] Are there restrictions on where to build facility on the site?
The RFP does not specify where the facility is built, with the exception of the areas noted as reserved for the switchyard and BESS. The Proposer will need to complete their due diligence to identify any land or permitting restrictions. Additionally, the facility should be designed so as not to impede any future use of the Waena Site or the Company’s ability to meet the County of Maui requirement that 33.2 acres of the 65.7-acre site be used for alternative energy. Note that the location of the facility may be moved by the Company prior to PPA execution for use efficiencies, cost considerations, regulatory restrictions or other considerations in the Company’s sole discretion. The Company will consult with the Independent Observer and the Independent Engineer regarding any relocation plans.
[Posted 5/18/23] A proposer would like to propose a 3 MW facility and is considering locating the project at Waena or at a separate nearby location – could they bid in this RFP?
Both options being considered are allowed under this RFP. There is no requirement that interconnection be made at the Waena Switchyard nor that the generation facility is located at the Waena Site. Because there are only two (2) generation tie points available at the Waena Switchyard, efficient use of those tie points may be considered by the Company in selecting a project.
[Posted 5/18/23] What type of Communications are preferred or required for the proposed facility?
Primary communications must be company-owned microwave or fiber cable. The back-up communications can be company-owned microwave, fiber cable, or leased service.
[Posted 5/18/23] Are there plans to subdivide the Waena site?
There are no current plans to subdivide the property, however, as noted in Appendix F, if further subdivision of the Waena property becomes necessary, the terms and conditions provided in Attachment CC (Company-Owned Site) to the Firm PPA (“TCU”), may be converted to a lease mutually agreeable to the parties. Also, as noted in the TCU, “[i]n the event Company exercises its right to subdivide the Subdivision, (i) Seller agrees to share in the cost to subdivide the Subdivision on a pro rata basis with others utilizing land within the Subdivision, as determined by the Company, and (ii) Seller and Company shall cooperate in good faith to negotiate a lease for Seller’s use of the Company-Owned Site under terms mutually agreeable to the parties.” The above (i) and (ii) would not apply if the subdivision does not affect the Company-Owned Site.
[Posted 5/18/23] Are there wells that need to be drilled?
If a proposed facility needs wells a Proposer will need to work with the appropriate regulators or government agencies on if and/or how that can be achieved.
[Posted 5/18/23] What is the interconnection voltage?
[Posted 5/18/23] Are there future plans to expand the Switchyard for more space?
Not at this time.
[Posted 5/18/23] What is the timeline on the Waena BESS?
The Waena BESS is still subject to PUC approval, so we don’t have a timeline of when it will be under construction or reaching COD.
[Posted 5/18/23] Is this RFP for firm generation only, with no option to include a BESS?
The firm generation portion of this RFP is seeking at least 40 MW of Firm Renewable Generation, which could be paired with a BESS. Firm generation is a synchronous machine-based technology that is available up to 100% of the contract capacity at any time under Company dispatch for as long as needed, except during periods of outage and deration, independent of source energy resource availability. Firm generation must not be energy limited or weather dependent.
[Posted 5/18/23] Is a copy of the lease agreement that would be executed for the Waena site available?
The terms and conditions of Attachment CC (Company-Owned Site) to the Firm PPA will apply for the use (license) of the Company-Owned Site if the selected Proposer chooses the Waena Site for its project. There will not be a separate lease unless, as noted in Question 9 above, the Waena Site is later subdivided.
[Posted 5/18/23] Will access to a proposed facility be via Pulehu Road or via Upper Division Road?
Proposers must determine their own route for access to their proposed facility. A facility proposing access via Pulehu Road through the area not reserved for the Waena BESS or Waena Switchyard should consider locating any access road so as not to impede the future use of the areas around the proposed access road. A facility proposing access via Upper Division Road should note that it is a gated, privately-owned road, and that there is a sliver of land between Upper Division Road and the Waena property that is not owned by Hawaiian Electric, which appears to have irrigation equipment on it. Proposers would be responsible for working directly with the private land owner for rights to access Upper Division Road as well as any needed easements over the land between Upper Division Road and the Waena Site. Regardless of the proposed access route, Proposers are responsible for understanding all of the requirements that may come with their selected route, including the potential need for a turnout lane which may be required by Maui County.
[Posted 5/18/23] Are there any restrictions related to the irrigation ditch between the portion of land immediately adjacent to Pulehu Road and the rest of the Waena site that is more inland from Pulehu Road?
Mahi Pono holds an easement for that irrigation ditch, and though it is not currently in use, should be maintained so that it can be used in the future, if necessary. A facility utilizing that area (such as for an access road) would need to ensure the continued operability of the irrigation ditch, such as through the construction of a culvert with an opening of at least 24 inches. The design of any such solution would be subject to review and approval by Mahi Pono.
[Posted 5/18/23] Were there any permitting issues for the Waena Switchyard that may be applicable to a generation project located at the Waena site?
It will be the responsibility of the Proposer to determine what permits are needed and what challenges may be encountered in receiving those permits. However, the Company recommends that all Proposers complete a thorough review of potential impacts related to issues including, but not limited to, cultural/archaeological impacts, environmental study requirements, emissions, air traffic, and road traffic. It will be critical that any selected Proposer has a thorough understanding of all such requirements and is willing and able to conduct the necessary research and outreach to ensure a successful project.
Post Waena Site Visit Follow-Up Questions
[Posted 8/9/23] Regarding the irrigation ditch that bisects the project site, can clarification be given in regard to access to the project site from Pulehu Road and the interconnection route to the MECO Switchyard (see Appendix F, pdf pgs. 6-10 of 113):
- Does Mahi Pono have an exclusive or non-exclusive easement for Easements 3 and 4?
- Please provide documentation, on easements 3 and 4, supporting any exclusive or non-exclusive easement terms and conditions.
- Does HECO have an easement (exclusive or non-exclusive) template that could be reviewed and used if a developer is awarded the Project?
- Please refer to the Final Order of Condemnation describing Easements 3 and 4, including a letter agreement attached as that contains further information (description of Easement 4 is on pages 7-8 of the pdf, description of Easement 3 is on page 10 of the pdf). Neither description states the easements to be exclusive or non-exclusive, however, we are also not aware of any other party that has asserted rights to these easements.
- See the Final Order of Condemnation and response to question 1 above.
- To the extent that an easement is necessary for a proposer’s project, Hawaiian Electric does have an easement template that can be provided at such time as it is determined to be required.