Selling Power to the Utility
Stage 3 Maui RFP
On February 18, 2022, the Commission provided the Companies guidance to develop a Stage 3 RFP specifically for Maui. The Commission intends that this will be an “all-source” procurement, based upon an updated assessment of grid needs for the island. In compliance with that guidance, the Companies are proceeding with work on a Stage 3 RFP draft for Maui.
Details on the Stage 3 Maui RFP can be found in Docket No. 2017-0352 and in the information below:
RFP Process

Final Award Group Selected
February 2, 2024
On January 26, 2024, Hawaiian Electric selected a project on Maui for the Stage 3 Maui Firm RFP. This project was selected after a competitive evaluation of both price and non-price factors.
Please see the Renewable Project Status Board for the latest status of projects in development.
Final Award Group Selection Postponed
January 22, 2024
On January 19, 2024, Hawaiian Electric, pursuant to Section 1.12.1 of the firm portion of the Stage 3 Renewable Dispatchable Generation Request For Proposals for Maui (“RFP”) and in consultation with the Independent Observer, postponed the Selection of Final Award Group Milestone from January 23, 2024 to January 26, 2024. Selected bidder(s) to the Final Award Group will be notified on January 26, 2024, and Hawaiian Electric will publicly announce the Final Award Group on February 2, 2024. A notification of this change in the RFP Schedule is being filed with the Commission.
Final Award Group Selected
December 8, 2023
On December 1, 2023, Hawaiian Electric selected a total of four projects on Maui for the Stage 3 Maui RFP. These projects were selected after a competitive evaluation of both price and non-price factors. The Stage 3 Maui Firm RFP will be making the Final Award selections in January 2024.
Please see the Renewable Project Status Board for the latest status of projects in development.
Final Award Group Selection Postponed
September 20, 2023 (Updated September 29, 2023)
On September 19, 2023, the Companies updated the Commission on the status of the Stage 3 RFPs and requested approval to extend the selection of the Final Award Group from October 27, 2023 to December 1, 2023 for the Stage 3 Oahu RFP, the Stage 3 Hawaii RFP and the Stage 3 Maui Variable RFP. No changes were proposed to the schedule for the Stage 3 Maui Firm RFP, or to the Guaranteed Commercial Operations Date for any Stage 3 projects. On September 27, 2023, the Commission approved the Proposed RFP Schedule. If the Companies are able to select the Final Award Group for the Stage 3 Oahu RFP, the Stage 3 Hawaii RFP or the Stage 3 Maui Variable RFP prior to December 1, 2023, the Companies will do so, in consultation with the Independent Observer.
Appendix G – Hawaiian Electric Development Team Certification Form
August 11, 2023
On August 11, 2023, the Company submitted a corrected version of Book 1 of 5 to the May 16, 2023 and subsequent May 17, 2023 filing. This corrected Book 1 of 5 (made of a Part 1 and Part 2) includes Appendix G, which was inadvertently not included in the previous filing.
Additionally, an older version of Appendix G was posted on the Stage 3 Maui RFP Documents webpage and in Power Advocate Event #140880. It has been updated with the corrected version.
Response to Commission Questions and Clarifications in Order 39272
May 30, 2023
On May 25, 2023, the Company filed its response to the Commission’s questions and clarifications in Order 39272 dated May 11, 2023 in Docket No. 2017-0352.
Interconnection Dispute Resolution Process
May 19, 2023
By its Order No. 39163 filed on April 18, 2023, which was clarified by Order No. 39286 filed on May 18, 2023 in Docket 2017-0352, the Public Utilities Commission established the Interconnection Dispute Resolution Process (“IDRP”). The IDRP’s purpose is to address disputes that may arise between the Hawaiian Electric Companies and the independent power producers or affiliates who have proposed projects during the entire interconnection process for the Stage 3 RFPs for Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii Island.
Stage 3 Maui RFP – Firm Renewable Generation Portion Accepting Bids
May 19, 2023
The Stage 3 Maui RFP – Firm Renewable Generation Portion is now open. Please see the final RFP documents by clicking on the RFP DOCUMENTS button above. Note that sub-bullets have been inserted to identify “Firm Renewable Generation Update” documents for the Firm Renewable Generation Portion of the RFP. If there is no update for a specific document, the original document shall apply.
The Stage 3 Maui RFP Electronic Procurement Platform (Sourcing Intelligence) is open and accepting bids through August 17, 2023.
As outlined in Section 1.1 of the RFP Appendix B, after registering on Sourcing Intelligence as a Supplier, Proposers shall request access to the Stage 3 Maui RFP – Firm Portion event via email (“EMAIL US” button above or at The request must include the company name and username under which the Proposer has registered. The Proposer will then be added to the event. The Stage 3 Maui RFP – Firm Portion is event 140880. To create an account for the Electronic Procurement Platform, please refer to Appendix D of the Stage 3 Maui RFP and visit the Electronic Procurement Platform Signup Page.
Waena Site Visit Q&A’s
May 18, 2023
A site visit at the Company's Waena property in central Maui (Waena Site) was held on May 4, 2023. View the questions and answers raised during the Waena Site visit.
Firm Generation Portion of the Maui RFP Update
May 9, 2023
On April 27, 2023, the Companies filed with the Commission its proposer revised Maui Stage 3 Request for Proposals and supporting documentation in accordance with Order No. 39145 and Order 39119. Included in the filing were:
Exhibit 1: Proposed Revised Maui Stage 3 RFP (Clean and Redline)
Exhibit 2: Appendix A - Definitions (Clean and Redline)
Exhibit 3: Appendix F - Description of Available Sites (Clean)
Exhibit 4: Appendix G - Hawaiian Electric Development Team Certification Form (Clean and Redline)
Exhibit 5: Appendix H - Interconnection Facilities Cost and Schedule Information (Clean and Redline)
Exhibit 6: Appendix L - Proposed Final Model Firm Capacity Renewable Dispatchable Generation Power Purchase Agreement (“Model Firm PPA”) (Clean and Redline)
Exhibit 7: Description of Information and Materials on Waena Site Provided to Contingency Project Team (available upon request, fully executed NDA in place)
Exhibit 8: Confidentiality Table (not available to the public)
Waena Site Visit
April 24, 2023
Maui Electric Company, Ltd. (“the Company”) is seeking proposals for renewable firm dispatchable generation for the Company System. As part of this procurement, the Company is offering potential Proposers the opportunity to locate their project at the Company’s Waena Site. Interested parties are invited to attend a site visit to be held on Thursday, May 4, 2023 at 9 am (HST).
Please note that attendees will be required to sign a waiver and hold harmless agreement. Attendees will also need to provide their own personal protection equipment (“PPE”) including hard hat, covered shoes, long pants, safety vest, and eye protection.
Please plan accordingly and be on time. Access to the site will not be guaranteed for late arrivals. The Waena Site is located off of Pulehu Road (near Upper Division Road) in Puunene, Maui. More detailed directions will be provided to those who RSVP.
Company representatives will take attendance and conduct a safety briefing at the site. Due to the potential for bees at the site, attendees with allergies should take the necessary precautions. Participants should be prepared to be exposed to the sun for approximately 1 hour and must be able to walk over uneven terrain.
All attendees will be accompanied by a guide who will be available to answer questions about the site. All questions and answers will be logged and made available at a later date on the Company’s website for this request for proposals.
RSVPs are required. Those planning to attend must provide the names, phone numbers and email addresses for all participants. Contact information will be used should there be any last minute changes to the site visit. Attendee information should be sent to Please note that attendance at the site visit is not mandatory to participate in the RFP.
For directions or questions on the day of the site visit only, please contact Mike Ito at (808) 722-6120.
Injection Study Update
April 21, 2023
On April 20, 2023, the Companies filed an update to the Stage 3 Maui Injection Analysis, reflecting the capacity limit of the Waena Switchyard. Please send email requests to for updated information regarding this update, such as High-Level Maps and available capacity information.
Firm Generation Portion of the Maui RFP Suspended
April 17, 2023
On April 14, 2023, the Commission issued Order No. 39145 that granted the Companies’ Motion to suspend the firm generation portion of the Maui Stage 3 RFP to allow for modifications of the Maui Stage 3 RFP.
The Companies will file revisions to the Maui Stage 3 RFP by April 27, 2023. As such, proposers submitting a firm generation proposal shall not file their firm generation proposal on the April 19, 2023, and April 20, 2023, deadlines as identified in the Maui Stage 3 RFP. A notification on the official updated schedule, which will include the revised proposal dates, will be sent out upon Commission approval. In the meantime, any proposers submitting a firm generation proposal will have to register for a new PowerAdvocate event (Event #140880). Please send registration requests to
All other deadlines and due dates remain in effect, including those regarding new variable renewable generation projects (with or without energy storage systems) and standalone energy storage projects.
Facility Model Consultants
March 31, 2023 (Updated April 12, 2023)
Hawaiian Electric offers a list of study consultants that have successfully performed modelling for developer submittals during prior Hawaiian Electric procurements. The study consultants may have different terms and conditions for engagement and the services they provide. Hawaiian Electric does not offer preferences or recommendations for these study consultants. Proposers are solely responsible for determining the suitability of services offered by a study consultant.
Anupam Gopal
Green Power Technologies
Salvador Rodriguez
Power Engineers
Jason Marenda, P.E.
Injection Study Update
March 20, 2023
On March 16, 2023, the Companies filed an update to the Stage 3 Maui Injection Analysis, confirming that the removal of Kamaole Solar has no impact to the hosting capacities (filed Feb. 21, 2023) of the preferred interconnection locations provided in the Maui Stage 3 RFP.
Response to the Commission’s February 7, 2023 Guidance on the Adoption of IEEE Standard 2800-2022 and Injection Studies
March 13, 2023
On February 21, 2023, the Companies filed a complete response to the Commission’s guidance letter dated February 7, 2023 in Docket No. 2017-0352. The Companies’ response includes updated Capacity Limits for the identified Maui 69kV transmission lines and substations.
Companies file updated RDG PPA and ESPA PSAs
March 1, 2023
On February 28, 2023 the Companies submitted updated documents for the Stage 3 Oahu RFP, Stage 3 Maui RFP and Stage 3 Hawaii RFP in accordance with the Commission’s February 17, 2023 Order No. 38865 in Docket No. 2017-0352. Revisions were limited to the RDG PPA PSAs and ESPA PSAs to reflect the incorporation of certain elements from the IEEE Standards for Interconnection and Interoperability of Inverter-Based Resources Interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power Systems (“IEEE 2800-2022”). The updated RDG PPA PSAs and ESPA PSAs are available along with all RFP documents in the RFP documents page. The February 28, 2023 filing is also offered here (Book 1, Book 2, Book 3).
Technical Conference held for Stage 3 Oahu and Maui RFP
February 27, 2023
The Company held a virtual Technical Conference on February 17, 2023 via Microsoft Teams to share information and answer question from prospective proposers and interested stakeholders of the planned Stage 3 Oahu and Maui RFP. A recording of the Technical Conference has been posted to YouTube for those who might have missed it or wish to view it again. Additionally, the meeting slides have been made available as well.
PUC Order No. 38865 approves IEEE 2800-2022 elements into Stage 3 RFPs
February 17, 2023
On February 17, 2023, the Commission issued Order No. 38865 that grants the Companies’ request for approval to incorporate certain elements from the IEEE Standards for interconnection and Interoperability of inverter-Based Resources interconnecting with Associated Transmission Electric Power Systems (“IEEE 2800-2022”) into the Stage 3 RFPs for Hawaii island, Oahu, and Maui. The Companies shall file the final revisions reflect the addition of IEEE 2800-2022 requirements by February 28, 2023.
Request to PUC to incorporate certain IEEE 2800-2022 elements
February 13, 2023
On February 10, 2023, the Companies filed a request to the Commission affecting all Stage 3 RFPs. In the updated Exhibit 1 filed by the Companies on January 31, 2023, the Companies indicated they are in the process of reviewing the IEEE 2800-2022 for inclusion as a requirement to the Stage 3 RFPs. In accordance with that commitment and the Commission’s letter dated February 7, 2023, the Companies submit this request to incorporate certain IEEE 2800-2022 elements into the model RDG PSAs and model Energy Storage PSA. And for the Stage 3 Hawaii RFP only, the request asks for a change in schedule to extend the time in that RFP to receive proposals.
Updated Appendix B
February 6, 2023
Upon review of “Appendix B: Proposer’s Response Package,” the Company has corrected a reference to the single point of failure.
Section 1.2.11 of the RFP states, “No single point of failure from the Facility shall result in a decrease in active power output measured at the Project’s POI greater than 20 MW.” Furthermore, Section 4.2, Item #11 states, “No single point of failure from the Facility shall result in a decrease of active power output measured at the Project’s POI greater than 20 MW.” However, the Maui Stage 3 RFP Appendix B - “Proposer’s Response Package,” Section 2.0 - Proposal Summary Tables, Item #15 states, “The Proposer hereby certifies that no single point of failure from the Facility shall result in a decrease of active power measured at the Facility point of interconnection greater than 30 MW. (Yes/No)”.
The single point of failure for this RFP is 20 MW, as per Section 1.2.11 and Section 4.2, Item #11 of the RFP. The 30 MW noted in Appendix B, Section 2.0 Proposal Summary Tables, Item #15 is incorrect.
The updated Appendix B (the only update being the single point of failure change to 20 MW) has been uploaded into Power Advocate and also to the Stage 3 Maui RFP Documents webpage.
Stage 3 Maui RFP Accepting Bids
January 20, 2023
The Stage 3 Maui RFP is now open. Please see the final RFP documents by clicking on the RFP DOCUMENTS button above.
The Stage 3 Maui RFP Electronic Procurement Platform (Sourcing Intelligence) is also open and accepting bids through April 20, 2023.
As outlined in Section 1.1 of the RFP Appendix B, after registering on Sourcing Intelligence as a Supplier, Proposers shall request access to the Stage 3 Maui RFP event via email (“EMAIL US” button above or at The request must include the company name and username under which the Proposer has registered. The Proposer will then be added to the event. The Stage 3 Maui RFP is event 139121. To create an account for the Electronic Procurement Platform, please refer to Appendix D of the Stage 3 Maui RFP and visit the Electronic Procurement Platform Signup Page.
Proposed Final Draft of the Stage 3 Maui RFP
January 3, 2023
Pursuant to Order No. 38735 filed on December 1, 2022, Maui Electric filed its proposed final Stage 3 Maui RFP on December 22, 2022.
Filing contents:
- Transmittal Letter (PDF)
- Exhibit 1 – Description of Development of the proposed Draft RFP (PDF)
- Exhibit 2 – Proposed Timeline for the RFP (PDF)
- Exhibit 3 – Competitive Bidding Code of Conduct (PDF)
- Exhibit 4 – N/A (applies to Stage 3 Oahu)
- Exhibit 5 – Proposed draft Stage 3 RFP (Maui) (PDF)
- Exhibit 6 – Draft Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Dispatchable Generation (PV + BESS) (All Islands) (PDF)
- Exhibit 7 – Draft Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Dispatchable Generation (WIND + BESS) (All Islands) (PDF)
- Exhibit 8 – N/A (applies to Stage 3 Oahu)
- Exhibit 9 – Draft Project Specific Addendum for Renewable Dispatchable Generation Projects (Maui Hawaii) (PDF)
- Exhibit 10 – Draft DC-Coupled Storage (All Islands) (PDF)
- Exhibit 11 – Draft Energy Storage Purchase Agreement (All Islands) (PDF)
- Exhibit 12 – N/A (applies to Stage 3 Oahu)
- Exhibit 13 – Draft Project Specific Addendum for Standalone Storage Projects (Maui or Hawaii Island) (PDF)
- Exhibit 14 – N/A (applies to Stage 3 Oahu)
- Exhibit 15 – Draft Model Firm PPA (Maui) (PDF)
Hawaiian Electric seeks public comments on Updated Near-Term Grid Needs Assessments for Oahu and Maui
October 20, 2022
On July 29, 2022, Hawaiian Electric filed its Oahu Near-Term Grid Needs Assessment and Maui Near-Term Grid Needs Assessment (“Near-Term GNAs”) in Docket Nos. 2017-0352 – To Institute a Proceeding Relating to Competitive Procurement of Dispatchable and Renewable Generation, and 2018-0165 – Instituting a Proceeding to Investigate Integrated Grid Planning, as requested by the Public Utilities Commission (“Commission”). After receiving further direction from the Commission, Hawaiian Electric requests that interested stakeholders submit public comments on the Near-Term GNAs within 30 days of this solicitation. Public comments may be filed in Docket No. 2017-0352, or submitted via e-mail to or, and will be posted on the Companies’ website. Comments submitted via e-mail will be filed by Hawaiian Electric within 30 days of this solicitation in Docket No. 2017-0352.
Hawaiian Electric looks forward to receiving feedback from interested stakeholders to assist with launching and executing a competitive and successful procurement.
Next steps in the Stage 3 Maui RFP
August 10, 2022
On June 30, 2022 the PUC issued Order No. 38479 Approving the Hawaiian Electric Companies’ Final Stage 3 Request for Proposals for Hawaii Island with Modifications and Issuing Guidance on the Proposed Stage 3 Requests for Proposals for Oahu and Maui (“Order 38479”).
On July 11, 2022 the Companies filed a Motion for Partial Reconsideration and/or Clarification of Order No. 38479 (“Motion”) seeking reconsideration and/or clarification on a number of modifications to the Stage 3 RFP that the Commission directed in Order 38479.
The Company awaits the PUC decision on the Motion.
Technical Conference held for Stage 3 Oahu and Maui RFP
August 8, 2022
The Company held a virtual Technical Conference on August 5, 2022 via Microsoft Teams to share information and answer question from prospective proposers and interested stakeholders of the planned Stage 3 Oahu and Maui RFP. A recording of the Technical Conference has been posted to YouTube for those who might have missed it or wish to view it again. Additionally, the meeting slides have been made available as well.
Near-Term Grid Needs Assessment
August 2, 2022
At the Commission’s request, on July 29, 2022, Hawaiian Electric filed its Oahu Near Term Grid Needs Assessment and Maui Near-Term Grid Needs Assessment reports. These reports describe the methodology and inputs used to study scenarios whose results were then used to inform recommendations for Grid Needs for solution sourcing for the Stage 3 Request for Proposals for the islands of Oahu and Maui. Hawaiian Electric plans to discuss the reports with stakeholders through the virtual Technical Conference scheduled for August 5, 2022 from 1:00 to 3:00 pm HST.
Technical Status Conference
July 29, 2022
The Company will be holding a Technical Conference to discuss the results of the updates to the Near-term Grid Needs Assessments for the Stage 3 Oahu and Maui RFPs on August 5, 2022, from 1:00 - 3:00 P.M. HST. Please email if you would like to attend. A recording of the meeting and presentation slides will be posted here when available.
Virtual Community Meeting
July 15, 2022
Hawaiian Electric hosted a second virtual community meeting on July 14, 2022 to discuss updates to the Draft Stage 3 Maui RFP with the Maui community. A recording of the meeting and the presentation slides can be viewed by clicking the respective links.
Virtual Community Meeting
June 9, 2022
Hawaiian Electric hosted a virtual community meeting on May 24, 2022 to discuss the Draft Stage 3 Maui RFP with the Maui community. A recording of the meeting and the presentation slides can be viewed by clicking the respective links.
Technical Status Conference
June 8, 2022
In its May 2, 2022 filing of the draft Stage 3 RFPs for Oahu and Maui, the Company tentatively indicated a date of June 15, 2022 for a Technical Status Conference. As the Commission has not yet produced a response to the RFPs, the Company will postpone the Technical Status Conference at this time. The Company will post further information on this webpage regarding a future date as it becomes available.
Draft Maui Stage 3 RFP
May 4, 2022
As directed by the Commission in its March 23, 2022 letter, Maui Electric filed a draft Maui Stage 3 RFP on May 2, 2022.
Filing contents:
- Transmittal Letter (PDF)
- Exhibit 1 – Description of Development of the proposed Draft RFP (PDF)
- Exhibit 2 – Proposed Timeline for the RFP (PDF)
- Exhibit 3 – Competitive Bidding Code of Conduct (PDF)
- Exhibit 4 – N/A (applies to Stage 3 Oahu)
- Exhibit 5 – Proposed draft Stage 3 RFP (Maui) (PDF)
- Exhibit 6 – Draft Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Dispatchable Generation (PV + BESS) (All Islands) (PDF)
- Exhibit 7 – Draft Power Purchase Agreement for Renewable Dispatchable Generation (WIND + BESS) (All Islands) (PDF)
- Exhibit 8 – N/A (applies to Stage 3 Oahu)
- Exhibit 9 – Draft Project Specific Addendum for Renewable Dispatchable Generation Projects (Maui Hawaii) (PDF)
- Exhibit 10 – Draft DC-Coupled Storage (All Islands) (PDF)
- Exhibit 11 – Draft Energy Storage Purchase Agreement (All Islands) (PDF)
- Exhibit 12 – N/A (applies to Stage 3 Oahu)
- Exhibit 13 – Draft Project Specific Addendum for Standalone Storage Projects (Maui or Hawaii Island) (PDF)
- Exhibit 14 – N/A (applies to Stage 3 Oahu)
- Exhibit 15 – Draft Model Firm PPA (Maui) (PDF)
Develop Stage 3 RFP for Maui
April 11, 2022
On February 18, 2022, the Commission issued a letter directing Hawaiian Electric to develop RFP materials for Stage 3 competitive bidding processes for Oahu and Maui. On March 10, 2022, Hawaiian Electric responded with a letter that included a proposed schedule and the rationale behind the proposed schedule. On March 23, 2022, the Commission issued a letter directing to proceed with the drafting of the Stage 3 RFPs for Oahu and Maui, which are to be filed by May 2, 2022.