Selling Power to the Utility


Kahe Site Visit Questions and Answers

Kahe Site Visit conducted August 6, 2019

Questions and answers noted during the Kahe Site Visit are provided below. If any verbal statements during the site visit differ from these posted answers, these answers will supersede.


Q1: What facilities are offered at the site?

A: No infrastructure or utilities, including water, power, fire suppression, telephone, cable (internet), or restroom facilities will be offered for the site.

Q2: How large is it?

A: About 9-10 acres. Company is open to offering more land beyond the boundaries identified in the map of Appendix F Attachment 1 of the RFP, however, the land beyond this is significantly sloped and may not be suitable for siting a standalone energy storage project. We are only offering the acreage needed for the project.

Q3: Can you do solar here?

A: The draft of the Oahu RFP is only offering the Kahe Site for a standalone storage project.

Q4: Does the Company have GIS soft maps it can provide of the property?

A: No.

Q5: Will there be a staging area within the Company's fenced property?

A: We expect the offered site to provide sufficient space for construction staging and the developer will be required to provide its own security. If feasible and reasonable in length and scope, among other factors, we might consider offering some staging space within our fenced property area during construction, however, the Company will not be assuming any obligation or liability to safeguard or secure any of developer's materials or equipment stored within the Company's fenced property area.

Q6: Archeological, cultural and endangered species considerations? Any Geotech reports we can share?

A: We are not aware of archeological, cultural, species concerns for the site area. However, each Proposer must perform its own due diligence. We did an environmental assessment on the other side of the valley.

Q7: Must the project be secured?

A: We expect your project to be fenced and its security ensured by the developer. The PPA includes certain minimum security requirements for the project.

Q8: Fire suppression?

A: The developer will need to provide fire suppression as may be necessary. We will not provide any fire water or storage. The PPA requires the project to adhere to all federal, state and county building codes, so all codes applicable to fire suppression must be followed.

Q9: Any restrictions on hours of construction of the project?

A: The Company will not permit work at night. Weekend work could be accommodated and may be limited. We prefer work performed on week days only during normal business hours, but if special circumstances develop, please discuss this with us.


Q10: Access to the site?

A: Alternative access points during construction of the project were pointed out during the site visit and are summarized here. The contractor's gate near the site will be offered as an entrance during construction. For access, manned security at that gate will be provided and the selected developer will be required to pay for the incremental cost of such secured access. From the contractor's gate, one route uses a small paved road, but it is not meant for heavy trucks and if used and damaged, must be restored to as found (or better) condition. Another route to the site is via an unpaved gravel road located outside the fence line that can probably handle heavier trucks. Access to this road, however, may be a challenge due to the existing grade. Either access route will also have to negotiate obstacles such as the existing drainage ditch and fuel pipeline within the vicinity of the site. While within the fenced portion of the Company property, the Company's internal security and code of conduct requirements must be adhered to. Further, the developer will be responsible for all damages caused by developer and its contractors while on Company property (whether within or outside of the Company fencing).
Once in commercial operation and depending on the access required, access may be restricted to/from the Company's main gate. If so, the Company expects access to the site to be infrequent and for few selected personnel. These personnel must comply with Company security background checks and company badging requirements in order to be granted entry.

Q11: Will it be possible to knock down the existing warehouses to provide or facilitate easier access to the site?

A: No.


Q12: Interconnection to the system?

A: Interconnection will be to the existing generating station substation via a breaker and a half configuration. There is room to extend the buses and add up to two additional bays as necessary. Connection to the substation will have to avoid the existing transmission lines. The Company expects the substation interconnection design to be done by the developer in accordance with the Company's specifications. Although paid for by the developer, work within the Company's live substation will need to be performed by the Company.

Q13: Control house space?

A: There is a control equipment enclosure within the substation area and there is room to insert additional interconnection equipment necessary for the project.

Q14: Interconnection at 138 kV?

A: Yes.

Q15: Where is the demarcation point?

A: Subject to review of the design, demarcation will likely be within the substation downstream of the meter.

Q16: How many MW can tie into the substation?

A: The selected developer will be able to tie-in up to what the Company has requested for in the RFP (200 MW). However, no single point of failure from the facility shall result in a decrease greater than 135 MW, so any facility greater than 135 MW will require two different connections and two bays in the substation.

Q17: Is it possible for the control wires to run on the same poles to the control house as the gen-tie to the substation?

A: Yes.