Selling Power to the Utility



Consistent with the findings of the Company's Integrated Grid Plan, filed in Docket No. 2018-0165 on May 12, 2023 and the Supplemental Response filed on November 15, 2023 (collectively, the “IGP Report”), the primary purpose of this IGP RFP is to stabilize rates and advance energy equity, grow the marketplace for large-scale renewables, create a modern and resilient grid, and secure reliability.

Details on the IGP RFP can be found below:

RFP Process

RFP Development
Bid Submission
Bid Evaluation
Project Selection

REZ Shapefiles for IGP RFP also available

January 14, 2025

As stated in Section of the draft RFP, additional points may be awarded to Projects sited in a prioritized Renewable Energy Zone (“REZ”). To provide additional clarity to the REZ locations, the Company is making the REZ layer available upon request in a Shapefile format for visual comparison and analysis in mapping tools.

To request the Shapefiles, please send your request to the respective island's RFP email address.

Technical Conference

October 25, 2024

The proposed schedule in the August 26, 2024 draft of the IGP RFP mentions a technical conference in October. The technical conference will not take place in October due to the current status of the RFP review by the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission. It will more likely occur in late November or early December. When a date is confirmed, we will post an update on this website.

Pre-Screened Substation layouts and high-level maps for IGP RFP available

September 17, 2024 (Updated October 18, 2024)

In the August 26, 2024 draft of the IGP RFP filed with the PUC, the Company mentions in Section that after the planned Technical Conference, the Company will make available substation layouts for each pre-screened substations and its COIF Estimating Guidelines. To provide prospective Proposers information as early as possible, the Company will offer the pre-screened substation layouts and COIF Estimating Guidelines in advance of the planned Technical Conference.

In Section 2.3.1, the draft RFP says Proposers may request a high-level map identifying the pre-screened lines and substations, and in Section 2.5.2 Landowner Responses, the draft RFP also mentions information gathered through a Land RFI will be made available upon request. Both the high-level map of pre-screened lines and substations and the Land RFI results are combined into individual island maps that are available at this time.

To request either/both of the above information, a prospective Proposer must first execute an IGP Mutual Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) with the Company. Once executed, the substation layouts and high-level maps can then be requested. Information on the Land RFI can be viewed from the Land RFI webpage. Land RFI results have been embedded on the high level maps.

Instructions for completing the NDA PDF:

  1. As specified in Section 3.13.1 of the RFP draft, “[t]he form of the NDA is not negotiable.” The NDA PDF for download contains specific text box fields to fill in. Fill those in completely.
  2. After filling in the text boxes, digitally sign the NDA PDF in ADOBE. NOTE: Please fill in your “Print Name” and “Its” title before digitally signing as signing will lock those fields. Leave all Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc. and Hawaii Electric Light Company, Inc. fields blank.
  3. Send the completed NDA to the respective RFP email box ( and/or The Company will then sign and return a copy of the executed NDA back to you.

Hawaiian Electric files draft of IGP RFP

August 26, 2024

On August 19, 2024, the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) issued Order 40976 to open Docket No. 2024-0258 to proceed with Hawaiian Electric’s proposed Integrated Grid Planning Request for Proposals (IGP RFP). In response, Hawaiian Electric filed its draft IGP RFP with the PUC on August 26, 2024.

The draft IGP RFP Filing consists of:

The IGP RFP documents (Exhibits 6-9) will be updated and can be found organized by Appendix at: IGP RFP Documents.

The proposed timeline for the Oahu and Hawaii Island IGP RFP will be updated and can be found at: IGP RFP Schedule.

Please submit questions and comments to the PUC. The docket number is 2024-0258.

Facility Models Consultants

July 24, 2024

The upcoming IGP RFP will again require facility technical models as part of all proposal submissions. Hawaiian Electric offers to prospective Proposers a list of study consultants that have successfully performed modelling for developer submittals during prior Hawaiian Electric procurements. The study consultants may have different terms and conditions for engagement and the services they provide. Hawaiian Electric does not offer preferences or recommendations for these study consultants. Proposers are solely responsible for determining the suitability of services offered by a study consultant.

Anupam Gopal

Green Power Technologies
Salvador Rodriguez

Power Engineers
Jason Marenda, P.E.

Hawaiian Electric files draft of IGP RFP

April 30, 2024

Hawaiian Electric filed its draft Integrated Grid Planning Request for Proposals (IGP RFP) with the Public Utilities Commission (PUC) on April 30, 2024. In addition to filing, Hawaiian Electric requested the PUC to open a docket and provide guidance on soliciting and hiring an Independent Observer and Independent Engineer.

The draft IGP RFP Filing consists of:

The IGP RFP documents (Exhibits 6-9) will be updated and can be found organized by Appendix at: IGP RFP Documents

The proposed timeline for the Oahu and Hawaii Island IGP RFP will be updated and can be found at: IGP RFP Schedule

Please submit questions and comments to the PUC or through our online survey form: Hawaii Powered - Community Input Survey (

IGP RFP Developer Meeting

March 21, 2024

Hawaiian Electric hosted a virtual developer meeting to discuss the technical aspects of the IGP RFP Draft on March 20, 2024. Meeting details can be found at A recording of the meeting has been made available for viewing.

IGP RFP Virtual Community Meeting

March 12, 2024

Hawaiian Electric hosted a virtual community meeting to discuss the IGP RFP Draft on March 11, 2024. A recording of the meeting has been made available for viewing.

IGP RFP Draft for Public Comment

February 29, 2024

To allow additional opportunities for community engagement and feedback in the procurement process, Hawaiian Electric is seeking public comment on preliminary drafts of documents related to the Integrated Grid Planning Request for Proposals (“IGP RFP”). Specifically, preliminary drafts of the IGP RFP, Appendix N (Community Engagement) to the IGP RFP, and a Proposed Changes Summary identifying changes from Hawaiian Electric’s Stage 3 procurement, are publicly available for review and comment below. Comments are requested before March 29, 2024. Hawaiian Electric intends to file the draft IGP RFP for the PUC’s review in April 2024.

The IGP RFP seeks proposals for a variety of variable and firm renewable energy and capacity resources on Oahu and Hawaii, including, but not limited to, wind, solar, geothermal, biomass and biofuels. Standalone energy storage proposals also will be accepted. The IGP RFP seeks to have projects in service by December 1, 2029 and December 1, 2033.

The preliminary draft of the IGP RFP also introduces changes to the evaluation process to better address issues of energy equity. These changes incorporate recommendations and feedback provided by the PUC and community stakeholders during a series of meetings focusing on incorporating equity in Hawaiian Electric’s Requests for Proposals in Docket No. 2022-0250.

Hawaiian Electric also will host a virtual public meeting on Monday, March 11, 2024 at 5:00 pm to engage with the community and gain feedback on the preliminary drafts. For more information, visit

Please submit questions and comments to

IGP Future Procurement Update

September 20, 2023

On September 19, 2023, Hawaiian Electric informed the Commission of necessary changes to the timing of the future Integrated Grid Plan Request for Proposals (“IGP RFP”) contemplated for 2024. The Companies have decided to delay the IGP RFP schedule by approximately six months with the intent to file the draft IGP RFP with the PUC in approximately April 2024 and issue the final IGP RFP by late September 2024.

Request for Information for IGP Future Procurement - Update

June 30, 2023

On June 16, 2023, Hawaiian Electric issued a Request for Information (“RFI”) for potential renewable energy or storage projects on Oahu, Maui, or Hawaii Island that could be submitted to an RFP in 2024. Responses to this RFI will guide Hawaiian Electric’s future resource planning and procurement for grid-scale renewable energy systems and may be used by the Companies in determining what area(s) should be focused on for future transmission upgrades, including new interconnection facilities.

The Companies appreciate the responses received to date and are extending the period of time for stakeholders to submit responses to the RFI in hopes of receiving a wide array of responses. Interested parties are requested to complete the Project Questionnaire (see Appendix A) and submit to Hawaiian Electric by August 11, 2023.

Request for Information for IGP Future Procurement

June 16, 2023

Hawaiian Electric is seeking feedback through a Request for Information (“RFI”) regarding potential renewable energy or storage projects on Oahu, Maui, or Hawaii Island that could be submitted to an RFP in 2024.

Project developers are encouraged to submit comprehensive responses to this request as the information obtained from responses may assist in the development of the Company’s drafting and issuance of a future RFP to meet energy needs on Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii Island, as set forth in the Integrated Grid Plan. The Company’s Integrated Grid Plan has identified the need for a wide variety of generation and storage projects to swiftly decarbonize the electric grid and manage risks to affordability, resilience and reliability.

To create a viable energy marketplace, the Company will need to routinely conduct procurements and adjust program and pricing mechanisms, in a similar but more efficient manner to the procurement activities since 2017. The Company is seeking a wide variety of feedback on potential project development, the procurement process, interconnection, and transmission capacity. Responses to this RFI will guide Hawaiian Electric’s future resource planning and procurement for grid-scale renewable energy systems and may be used by the Company in determining what area(s) should be focused on for future transmission or subtransmission upgrades, including new interconnection facilities.

Interested parties are requested to complete the Project Questionnaire (see Appendix A) and submit to Hawaiian Electric by July 28, 2023. If additional information or clarification regarding the RFI, or the RFI process outlined in the document, is required, questions may be submitted to