Selling Power to the Utility


Stage 1 RFPs

Project sections were made for the Stage 1 RFPs on September 17, 2018. Please see the Renewable Project Status Board for the latest status of projects in development.

Questions and Answers related to Stage 1 RFPs.

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (June 15, 2018)

On June 15, 2018, the Commission issued Order No. 35529 (PDF), authorizing the Hawaiian Electric Companies to expand the number of projects selected for the Final Award Group of each respective Company, pursuant to the Final Variable RFPs filed with the Commission on February 27, 2018.

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (February 27, 2018)

The Hawaiian Electric Companies submitted to the PUC their Final Variable Renewable Dispatchable Generation RFPs and supporting documentation for the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii on February 27, 2018 as directed under Order No. 35286. The final RFP documents are available at the links below.

The RFPs are now open. Bidders must submit proposals via Power Advocate, an electronic procurement platform. See Appendix E of the RFPs for registration, user information and instructional information. Bids must be received through Power Advocate by Monday, April 30, 2018, 2:00 pm Hawaii Standard time (HST).

The Hawaiian Electric Companies February 27, 2018 Filing:

All questions or concerns regarding the RFP, while the RFP event is open, shall be submitted to the Company via the PowerAdvocate Messaging tab.

Information for PowerAdvocate Platform technical support can be referenced in Appendix E of the RFP. PowerAdvocate Platform support is available from 8 AM to 8 PM Eastern Time (2 AM to 2 PM Hawaii Standard Time when daylight savings is in effect) Monday to Friday, except for Holidays posted on the PowerAdvocate website, both by phone: (857) 453-5800 and by e-mail:

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (February 26, 2018)

The Companies have conferred with the Independent Observers and will be clarifying the RFP requirements in Hawaiian Electric Companies' Final Variable RFPs with respect to clarifications and improvements made to Appendix B: Proposer's Response Package / IRS Data Sheet & Appendix E: PowerAdvocate User Information.

The Companies reformatted Appendix B: Proposer's Response Package / IRS Data Sheet, to contain step by step RFP response instructions, file naming and uploading instructions, and numbered the instructions to facilitate convenient referencing.

The Companies re-formatted Appendix E: PowerAdvocate User Information, to walk Proposers through the PowerAdvocate registration process and enable Proposers to become familiar with the platform.

No changes were made to the IRS data sheets from the version filed on February 2, 2018.

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (February 26, 2018)

On February 20, 2018, the Commission issued Order No. 35286 "Approving The Hawaiian Electric Companies' Proposed Final Variable Requests For Proposals, With A Modification." The Order approves the Companies' Proposed Final Variable RFPs, filed by the Companies on February 2, 2018, with a modification to the Maui Proposed Final Variable RFP. The order includes Pre-Bid Reports provided by the Independent Observers to the commission.

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (February 9, 2018)

The Companies have conferred with the Independent Observers and will be clarifying the RFP requirements in the Hawaiian Electric Companies' February 2, 2018 filing with respect to Site Control.

For purposes of meeting the Threshold Requirement for Site Control, a Proposer must demonstrate, at a minimum, that the Proposer has an executed binding letter of intent, memorandum of understanding, option agreement, or similar document, with the land owner which sets forth the general terms of a transaction that would grant the Proposer the legally enforceable right to use and control the real property that will be required for the construction, operation and maintenance of the project. If utilized, a letter of intent, or similar document, does not need to be exclusive to the Proposer at the time the Proposal is submitted and may be contingent upon selection of the Proposal to the Final Award Group. Where government or publicly owned lands are part of the Site or are required for the successful implementation of the Proposal, the Proposer must provide a credible and viable plan, including evidence of any steps taken to date, to secure all necessary Site Control for the Proposal, including securing necessary and appropriate permits, approvals, rights-of-way, access, and other appurtenances necessary for the project, including but not limited to evidence of sufficient progress toward approval by the government agency or other body vested with the authority to grant such approval (as demonstrated by records of the agency).

If the Threshold Requirement for Site Control is met, Site Control will be further evaluated as a part of the Non-Price evaluation criteria set forth in Appendix L (Selection Criteria) where projects with a more mature level of Site Control will be given preference. For example, preference will be given to Proposers who provide documentation confirming that the Proposer has an existing legally enforceable right to use and control the Site for a term at least equal to the term of the PPA, as specified in the Proposer's Proposal (taking into account the timelines set forth in this RFP for selection, negotiation, and execution of a PPA and PUC approval of a PPA), e.g. the Proposer is the fee interest owner in the property or has an existing lease to use the property for the term of the PPA.

The following revised language will be inserted into the Final Variable Renewable Dispatchable Generation RFPs for Hawaiian Electric, Maui Electric, and Hawaii Electric Light Final Draft RFPs:

Section 4.3 Threshold Requirements

  • Site Control: The Proposal must demonstrate that the Proposer has Site Control for all real property required for the successful implementation of a specific Proposal at a Site not controlled by the Company, including any Interconnection Facilities for which the Proposer is responsible. The need for a firm commitment is necessary to ensure that Proposals are indeed realistic and can be relied upon as the Company moves through the remainder of the RFP process. To meet this Site Control requirement, Proposers must do one of the following:

    • Provide documentation confirming that the Proposer owns 100% of the fee interest in the Site on which the Project will be situated;
    • Provide documentation confirming that the Proposer has an existing legally enforceable right to use and control holds a leasehold interest in the Site for a term at least equal to the term of the PPA as specified in the Proposer's Proposal (taking into account the timelines set forth in this RFP for selection, negotiation, and execution of a PPA and PUC approval of a PPA); or
    • Provide documentation confirming , at minimum, that the Proposer has an executed binding letter of intent, memorandum of understanding, option agreement , or similar document, with the land owner which sets forth the general terms of a transaction that would grant the Proposer the required Site Control to purchase the Site or to lease the Site for a term at least equal to the term of the PPA as specified in the Proposer's Proposal. This option agreement A letter of intent does not need to be exclusive to the Proposer at the time the Proposal is submitted, but and may be contingent upon selection of the Proposal to the Final Award Group.

    Where government or publicly owned lands are part of the Site or are required for the successful implementation of the Proposal, the Proposer must provide a credible and viable plan, including evidence of any steps taken to date, to secure all necessary Site Control for the Proposal, including securing necessary and appropriate permits, approvals, rights-of-way, access, and other appurtenances necessary for the project, including but not limited to evidence of sufficient progress toward approval by the government agency or other body vested with the authority to grant such approval (as demonstrated by records of the agency).

    If the Threshold Requirement for Site Control is met, Site Control will be further evaluated as a part of the Non-Price evaluation. See Section 4.4 of this RFP.

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (February 9, 2018)

In addition to Hawaiian Electric Companies' February 2, 2018 filing, the following documents are now available in Microsoft Word Document format:

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (February 2, 2018)

The Hawaiian Electric Companies submitted to the PUC their Proposed Final Variable Renewable Dispatchable Generation RFPs and supporting documentation for the islands of Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii as directed under Order No. 35224 on January 12, 2018.

The PUC intends to make a determination on the Proposed Final Variable RFPs, accompanied by the formal comments from the Independent Observer, by February 19, 2018 or sooner.

Order No. 35224 - Providing Guidance on the Hawaiian Electric Companies' Proposed Request for Proposals for Dispatchable and Renewable Generation (PDF)

*Word versions of the Model RDG PPA will be posted soon

Hawaiian Electric Companies Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (January 16, 2018)

On January 12, 2018, the Commission issued Order No. 35224 "Providing Guidance on the Hawaiian Electric Companies' Proposed Request for Proposals for Dispatchable and Renewable Generation." The Order appoints Independent Observers and lays out the following procedural schedule for the Oahu, Maui, and Hawaii Island Variable RFPs.

Procedural Steps

  • By January 29, 2018
    Stakeholders have the option to file comments/proposals on potential incentive mechanisms
  • February 2, 2018
    Companies' Filing of Proposed Final Variable RFPs
  • February 19, 2018 or earlier
    Commission determination regarding the Proposed Final Variable RFPs, accompanied by formal comments from the IOs provided to the commission on the Proposed Final Variable RFPs
  • 5 business days after commission approval of Final Variable RFPs
    Final Variable RFP Issuance

Hawaiian Electric Companies Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (December 29, 2017)

On December 20, 2017, the Companies filed a supplement to their proposed competitive bidding process filed with the Commission on October 23, 2017, in accordance with Order No. 34856 "Opening The Docket" issued on October 6, 2017 in the subject proceeding ("Order 34856"). This letter and attached exhibit consolidates the Companies' responses to the filed stakeholder comments regarding the proposed competitive bidding process set forth in the Draft RFPs and the Companies' plans to successfully execute such processes.

Company-Owned Waena Site Visit

Update (December 11, 2017)

Maui Electric will be offering a site visit of the Company-owned Waena Site on Wednesday, January 10, 2018 from 10:00 am to 11:00 am. Please visit the following websites for more information:

  • Maui Firm Capacity Renewable Dispatchable Generation RFP
  • Maui Variable Renewable Dispatchable Generation RFP

Renewable Dispatchable Generation PPA

Update (November 17, 2017)

The following document in word format is now available for download:

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals RDG Workshop

RFP Update (November 9, 2017)

A recording of the RDG workshop is now available. Please register with WebEx to view the presentation.

  • RDG Workshop on Demand
    Password: HECompanies11617
    Having trouble logging in? Contact Cisco WebEx Technical Support at 1 (408) 906-2222.

The individual presentations are also available in .pdf format:

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals Technical Conference

RFP Update (November 3, 2017)

A recording of the webinar discussing the recently submitted Draft Firm RFP and Draft Variable RFP is now available on demand. Following the webinar, a short survey will be offered, for which the company requests responses by November 10, 2017.

  • Firm and Variable RFP Technical Conference Webinar On Demand
    Password: HECompanies11317
    Having trouble logging in? Contact Cisco WebEx Technical Support at 1 (408) 906-2222.

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (November 3, 2017)

The following documents are now available in both Microsoft Word Document and Adobe PDF formats:

  • Draft RFP for Firm Capacity Renewable Generation (Exhibit 1) - Word (.doc) | Adobe (.pdf)
  • Draft RFP for Variable Renewable Dispatchable Generation (Exhibit 2) - Word (.doc) | Adobe (.pdf)
  • Draft Firm Dispatchable Generation Power Purchase Agreement (Exhibit 1, Appendix C) - Word (.doc) | Adobe (.pdf)
  • Draft PV Renewable Dispatchable Generation Power Purchase Agreement (Exhibit 2, Appendix C) - Word (.doc)* | Adobe (.pdf)
    *(Typographical corrections were made on page C-1 of the word version. A redline of the page reflecting the corrections is provided below.)
    • Redline of page C-1 of Draft PV Renewable Dispatchable Generation Power Purchase Agreement (Exhibit 2, Appendix C) - Adobe (.pdf)

As other errors in the draft documents filed on October 23, 2017 are identified, we will correct them as necessary, and reflect them in the proposed final draft of the RFP documents to be filed with PUC. Other substantive revisions that may require earlier disclosure will be posted as deemed necessary through this RFP website.

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Renewable Dispatchable Generation PPA

Update (November 1, 2017)

More information about the new RDG PPA will be available during an online webinar with the industry partners who participated in the development of the new RDG PPA. The webinar is scheduled for November 6, 2017 at 9:00 am (HST). A recording of the webinar will be made available following the event.

  • RDG PPA Webinar Registration
    Having trouble logging in? Contact Cisco WebEx Technical Support 1 (408) 906-2222

Hawaiian Electric Companies' Request for Proposals Technical Conference

RFP Update (October 30, 2017)

Please view a technical conference webinar discussing the recently submitted Draft Firm RFP and Draft Variable RFP on November 3, 2017 at 12:00pm (HST). A recording of the webinar will be made available following the event. Following the webinar a short survey will be offered, for which the company requests responses by November 10, 2017.

  • Firm and Variable RFP Technical Conference Webinar Registration
    Having trouble logging in? Contact Cisco WebEx Technical Support 1 (408) 906-2222

Hawaiian Electric Companies Request for Proposals (RFP)

RFP Update (October 24, 2017)

On October 6, 2017, the Hawaii Public Utilities Commission (PUC) issued Order No. 34856 opening Docket No. 2017-0352 to receive filings related to the Hawaiian Electric Companies plans to proceed with competitive procurement to acquire firm generation and new renewable generation. In accordance with Order No. 34856, on October 23, 2017, the Hawaiian Electric Companies submitted a Draft RFP for Firm Capacity Renewable Dispatchable Generation, Draft RFP for Variable Renewable Dispatchable Generation, and respective supporting documentation to the commission for their review.

The Hawaiian Electric Companies intend to hold a technical conference to discuss both the Draft Firm RFP and Draft Variable RFP with interested parties during the month of November.

Renewable Dispatchable Generation PPA

The Company has developed a new Power Purchase Agreement for variable generation projects. The Renewable Dispatchable Generation (RDG) PPA is included as Attachment C to the Draft Variable RFP in the filing above. The new RDG PPA structure enables future variable renewables to be dispatchable, preserve flexibility for future system needs, and maximizes value for customers. Click on the link below for a short overview of the new RDG PPA. We want to hear from you, please email your questions and comments about the RDG PPA to

RDG PPA Presentation

A webinar to further discuss the new RDG PPA will be held during the month of November 2017. We will discuss the drivers for the new PPA, review the new contract terms and explain the performance metrics that will be required. A recording of the session will also be made available a few days after the webinar.