Selling Power to the Utility


Request for Information for Long-Term Renewable Energy Development

September 6, 2022

On July 5, 2022, Hawaiian Electric issued a Request for Information for Long-Term Renewable Energy Development (“RFI”) to explore opportunities available and the current state of technology for projects that require a longer development timeframe than the Companies’ current Request for Proposal timelines allow, due to the type of technology, transmission, project permitting, or land use constraints. Responses to the RFI will assist the Companies in determining the state of advancement and development of long-term projects to incorporate any needed modification to the Companies’ procurements to account for the unique aspect of longer development times in future resource procurements.

The Companies are extending the period of time for stakeholders to submit responses to the RFI in hopes of receiving a wide array of responses to discuss during a working group meeting that will be scheduled in late September. Interested parties are requested to compete the Questionnaire (see Appendix A to the RFI) and submit the information to Hawaiian Electric as stated below by September 6, 2022.

Hawaiian Electric is seeking feedback through a Request for Information for Long-Term Renewable Energy Development (“RFI”) to explore opportunities available and the current state of technology for projects that require a longer development timeframe than the Companies’ current Request for Proposal timelines allow, due to the type of technology, transmission, project permitting, or land use constraints. Responses to the RFI will assist the Companies in determining the state of advancement and development of long-term projects to incorporate any needed modification to the Companies’ procurements to account for the unique aspect of longer development times in future resource procurements.

Interested parties are requested to compete the Questionnaire (see Appendix A to the RFI) and submit the information to Hawaiian Electric as stated below by August 2, 2022. The Companies will be scheduling a working group meeting in late August or September to discuss responses and how future procurements can be modified to account for these types of projects.

Download RFI PDF

Email (preferred): With pdf file attachment(s) to

U.S. Mail*: Manager, Energy Procurement (mail code AL12-IU)
                     Renewable Acquisition
                     Hawaiian Electric Company, Inc.
                     P.O. Box 2750
                     Honolulu, Hawaii 96840-0001

If additional information or clarification regarding the RFI or the RFI process outlined in this document is required, questions may be submitted to