Understanding Your Bill
Submit Your Meter Reading

If Hawaiian Electric's meter readers are unable to read your residential meter, then you will be sent an estimated bill based on your previous usage.
To be billed for the actual usage, you can send us a meter reading of your own. Simply take a photo of your meter, and send it to the appropriate email address* below, along with your service address and date the photo was taken. (*For security purposes, please do not include your electric account number or other sensitive information in the email.)
- Oahu: meterreading@hawaiianelectric.com
- Maui County: meterreadingmauicounty@hawaiianelectric.com
- Hawaii Island: meterreadinghawaiiisland@hawaiianelectric.com
Note: If you have a net energy meter, you may need to submit multiple photos to record all available meter information.
You can also learn more about how to read your meter.