Key Performance Metrics


Rates and Revenues

See below for the following:

  • Cost of Final Delivered Energy to Customers by Rate Class for Each Island System
  • Contributing Cost Components to Customer Rates
  • Recovery of Fuel and Purchased Energy Costs
  • Time of Use Subscription

Cost of Final Delivered Energy to Customers by Rate Class for Each Island System

The cost of final delivered energy to customers by rate class is calculated as the average revenue per kWh by rate class by island (in cents per kilowatt hours). The classes of service/rate schedules are as follows:

  • Schedule R – Residential service;
  • Schedule G – Small Power Use Business service;
  • Schedule J – Medium Power Use Business service;
  • Schedules P and DS – Large Power Use Business service; and
  • Schedule F – Street and Park Lighting service.

For more information, please refer to our electric rates.

The average revenue per kWh by rate schedule by island is:


Average Rates

Revenues are based on final rates approved in the 2020 rate case. Surcharges also included in revenues are the Energy Cost Recovery Clause, the Purchased Power Adjustment, IRP Cost Recovery, the Renewable Energy Infrastructure Cost Recovery Provision, and the Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment, which may change on a monthly or annual basis.

Maui County

Average Rates
Average Rates
Average Rates

Revenues are based on final rates approved in the 2018 rate case. Surcharges included in revenues are the Energy Cost Recovery Clause, the Purchased Power Adjustment, IRP Cost Recovery, and the Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment, which may change on a monthly or annual basis.

Hawaii Island

Average Rates

Revenues are based on final rates approved in the 2019 rate case. Surcharges also included in revenues are the Energy Cost Recovery Clause, the Purchased Power Adjustment, IRP Cost Recovery, and the Revenue Balancing Account Adjustment, which may change on a monthly or annual basis.

Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).

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Contributing Cost Components to Customer Rates

For this metric, the Company provides the cost components that comprise the average rate per kWh for each island system, including both the base rates set in rate case proceedings and surcharges that are in effect at the indicated points in time.

The nine major cost components that comprise the average rate per kWh are:

  1. Fuel: Includes the cost for fuel, additives, inspection, storage and transportation.
  2. Purchased Power: Includes payments for energy, capacity and operation & maintenance ("O&M") to independent power producers. It also includes the Purchased Power Adjustment surcharge and the portion of the Energy Cost Recovery Clause surcharge attributed to purchased power energy.
  3. O&M: Includes expenses for utility-owned generation, transmission and distribution of electricity, provision of customer service and administrative & general functions, in base rates.
  4. Taxes: Includes public service company taxes, public utility fees, franchise taxes, payroll taxes, amortization of State investment tax credit and income taxes, in base rates and in surcharges.
  5. Return: Compensation (i.e., interest, preferred dividends and return on common equity) to investors for the use of their money invested in rate base including assets that are used or useful in providing service to the utility's customers in base rates.
  6. Depreciation: Consists of depreciation of property, plant and equipment and amortizations of contributions in aid of construction, Federal investment tax credit and FAS 109 regulatory asset.
  7. Revenue Balancing Account (“RBA”) Rate Adjustment: A charge or credit approved by the Public Utilities Commission under a method of adjusting electric rates called decoupling, which supports Hawaiian Electric's clean energy efforts.
  8. Public Benefits Fund Surcharge: Collects funds that are used to pay for energy efficiency programs, including customer incentives such as rebates, to reduce electricity use in Hawaii. The programs are managed by a third party administrator, Hawaii Energy, reporting to the Public Utilities Commission. The Green Infrastructure Fees are also included in this line item.
  9. Other: Includes all other surcharge items, including Interim Rate Increases, Renewable Energy Infrastructure Cost Recovery Provision, and IRP Cost Recovery charges.

These cost components represent the underlying cost basis of the rates that are charged to customers, however, actual charges to customers are not exclusively on a cents per kWh basis. While most surcharges and the base rate schedule energy charges are assessed on a cents per kWh basis, the base rate schedules also bill a customer charge on a per customer per month basis, certain commercial base rate schedules bill for demand on a per kW basis, and beginning June 1, 2023, the RBA Rate Adjustment is implemented as a percentage of all rate schedule charges, including all charges for Surcharges, Clauses, and Fees, but excluding charges related to the ECRC and the RBA Rate Adjustment.

The nine major cost components that comprise the average rate per kWh by island are provided. Each of the components will indicate its cents per kWh contribution to the total per kWh cost of the average customer rate as well as its respective percentage share of the average customer rate. For illustration purposes, the PBF cost component and the Other cost component are combined.


Contributing Cost Components
Contributing Cost Components

Maui County

Contributing Cost Components
Contributing Cost Components
Contributing Cost Components
Contributing Cost Components
Contributing Cost Components
Contributing Cost Components

Hawaii Island

Contributing Cost Components
Contributing Cost Components

Please click the button below for historical data and dollars to be recovered for each of these components (in Excel format).

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Recovery of Fuel & Purchased Energy Costs

This summary indicates the allowed recovery of total fuel costs and total purchased energy costs, exclusive of revenue taxes, as reported per the reconciliation provision of the Energy Cost Recovery Clause.

Hawaiian Electric recovers these costs through the Energy Cost Recovery Clause. Cost recovery for Hawaiian Electric's fuel costs for its own generating units depends on how efficiently fuel use is converted to kWh output compared to a target efficiency rate that is established in a rate case and approved by the PUC. If fuel cost efficiency is within a certain range of the target (the “deadband”, approved by the Commission), actual fuel costs are recovered in full. Cost recovery is limited to the high or low efficiency points of the deadband around the target. If actual fuel cost efficiency is better than the high efficiency point of the deadband around the target, cost recovery will be higher than actual fuel costs. If actual fuel cost efficiency is poorer than the low efficiency point of the deadband around the target, cost recovery will be lower than actual fuel costs.

Note that total fuel costs also includes Hawaiian Electric's fuel costs for distributed generation facilities at substation sites, which are recovered at 100% of cost. Hawaiian Electric's purchased energy expenses are also recovered at 100% of cost.

The fuel and purchased energy costs by island is:


Cost Recovery

Maui County

Cost Recovery
Cost Recovery
Cost Recovery

Hawaii Island

Cost Recovery

Please click the button below for historical data (in Excel format).

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Time of Use Metric

This metric has two categories: non-electric vehicle customers and electric vehicle rate customers. Within each category, the number of customers by rate schedule is presented. The Maui County summary includes customers on Maui, Lanai, and Molokai.

The non-electric vehicle customers include customers served on:

  • Rider M, “Off-Peak and Curtailable Service”;
  • Rider T, “Time of Day Rider”;
  • Schedule TOU-R, “Residential Time-of-Use Service”;
  • Schedule TOU-RI, “Residential Interim Time-of-Use Service”;
  • Schedule TOU-G, “Small Commercial Time-of-Use Service”;
  • Schedule TOU-J, “Commercial Time-of-Use Service”;
  • Schedule TOU-P, “Large Power Time-of-Use Service”;
  • Schedule U, “Time-of-Use Service”;
  • Schedule ARD TOU R, “Residential Time of Use Service”;
  • Schedule ARD TOU G, “Small Commercial Time of Use”; and
  • Schedule ARD TOU J, “Medium Commercial Time of Use.”

The electric rate vehicle customers include customers served on:

  • Schedule Residential TOU EV, “Residential Time-of-Use Service with Electric Vehicle Pilot”; and
  • Schedule EV-F, “Commercial Public Electric Vehicle Charging Facility Service Pilot.”

The values reported represent the number of active contracts in the identified month. Hawaiian Electric will report this participation at quarterly intervals. Customer participation data is available only from 2012 onward.

Total Hawaiian Electric

Time of Use


Time of Use

Maui County

Time of Use

Hawaii Island

Time of Use

Please click the button below for data since 2012 (in Excel format).

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