Investing in the Future
Koa Ridge 46kV Overhead Line Relocation Project
Hawaiian Electric plans to relocate a portion of its existing 46 kilovolt (kV) overhead sub-transmission powerlines, located in Koa Ridge, to allow the developer to build a community park as part of future residential development plans. The proposed work will involve moving infrastructure from an existing 46kV overhead pole line (shown in red) to an existing 138kV overhead pole line (shown in yellow).

The work will involve the removal of:
- Sixteen (16) structures/poles
- Approximately 8,000 circuit feet of 46kV overhead powerlines
- Approximately 8,000 circuit feet of overhead shield wire along the existing 46kV line (in red)
The work will involve the installation of:
- Thirteen (13) new steel 138kV structures/poles with 46kV underbuild (ranging from 85 ft-130 ft above ground height)
- The new poles will be 35 ft-55 ft taller than the existing 138kV poles and will include the new 46kV powerlines below the 138kV powerlines
- Three (3) new steel 46kV poles (55 ft above ground height)
- 46kV overhead powerlines and shield wire along the existing adjacent 138kV line
Hawaiian Electric filed an application on July 11, 2022, with the Public Utilities Commission for approval to construct the 46 kV overhead line relocation.
The Public Utilities Commission held a public hearing on Tuesday, October 11, 2022 inviting interested stakeholders to attend and state their views on the proposed overhead line relocation.
On July 5, 2023, the PUC issued Decision and Order No. 40058 approving Hawaiian Electric’s application.
Construction of pole foundations is scheduled to commence in August/September 2023 followed by installation of the poles/conductors around October 2023 through January 2024.
To learn more, the application and subsequent filings are available at:, Docket #2022-0141. For any questions or comments, please email us.